Specific player movement

Hi people,
I've finally decided to try and find a solution to a problem i've been putting off solving for far too long.
I am trying to get my character to move exactly 32 pixels with each "step"
I set the movement and map tiles both to 32x32 pixels, thinking this would
allow him to move exactly from one floor tile to another with each tap of the arrow keys... sadly this didn't work, movement tiles don't work like that.
The problem isn't drastic, but the player sprite is slightly offset (standing between floor tiles rather than on top of them) by the time you have walked from one side of the room to another. It just looks silly and makes some features of the game hard to cope with.
Any Ideas as to how I could achieve this effect (preferably without recreating the 20 or so maps I've spent ages putting together)?
Any Ideas greatly apreciated.

Cheers all, Migraine.

Do you get Migraines? - (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ibashmyselftosleep")www.geocities.com/ibashmyselftosleep(/url)
"Kids aren't influenced by computer games at all... Pac man's a computer game, how many kids do you know who listen to repetetive music and take mind-altering pills?"

(This message has been edited by Migraine (edited 10-29-2002).)

In another of Coldstone's many quirks, character movement is pixel-based rather than tile-based. Thus, if you want your player to remain aligned with a 32x32 grid, you need to give him a movement speed which is some fraction of 32 - 4, 8, 16, etc.

I don't know what I'm talking about.
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/glennfield/ColdstoneBugs.html")Coldstone 1.0.1 Bug List(/url) - last update 10/10/2002

This is my optical method
let's say you use 4 frames( 8pixels per frame )for the player to arrive at his new location;
the initial frame would look like the player the middle two would be white pict files with the same dimensions as the player,
the first frame will display he'll 'dissappear' and he'll appear at his final destination, assuming you have a delay of 0 it should all occur around 10th of a second.


Also i understand what glenn said but, is your player centered at (0,0) in the animation editor ?

(This message has been edited by ellrx (edited 10-30-2002).)

Glenn, your solution worked perfectly, thank you muchly!
Ell, i'm not too sure what you're getting at... (my fault im sure...) but in answer to your question my player is human and the game has a PoG styke viewpoint so (0,0) is at the character's feet.
I'm sure I'll understand someday...!


Do you get Migraines? - (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ibashmyselftosleep")www.geocities.com/ibashmyselftosleep(/url)
"Kids aren't influenced by computer games at all... Pac man's a computer game, how many kids do you know who listen to repetetive music and take mind-altering pills?"

glad to hear you solved your problem.
the best way i can explain what i was saying is that;

the engine would be moving an invisible character for 16 of 32 pixels, for the first 8 the player would be visible and the last 8 the player would be visible.
the player would move slightly--->then pop over to his next destination--->and then slide to a halt


aha, i understand now. interesting method, I'll try and remember that, could come in useful 🙂 thanks!


Do you get Migraines? - (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ibashmyselftosleep")www.geocities.com/ibashmyselftosleep(/url)
"Kids aren't influenced by computer games at all... Pac man's a computer game, how many kids do you know who listen to repetetive music and take mind-altering pills?"