OSX Compilers Broken?

Since I downloaded the 1.0.1 update, I've been doing a bit of fiddling, and decided to finally test my game (the launch button in the Editor in X now launches a Classic build, which I approve of, as the X builds never used to launch for me).

Anyway, I fired up the 'Build Release' dialogue, chose 'Classic and X' and hit build. Progress bar lights up, I sit back and watch, and it fires of a NilObjectException class error at me, and shuts down.

This marginally confused me, as I haven't ever experienced this error before. I fired up the OSX editor again and gave it another whack. Same error. I tried after restarting, but no difference. Then I thought, well, is it just the OSX editor? I launched the Classic version of Coldstone, and was also given an error, this time of stackOverflowClass.

I then tried, in both editors, to build just a version of the Classic application, and then just the X version. The Classic compiler works like a charm, the OSX version crashes.

Now, on the progress bar, right before the exception hits, it reads 'Searching for old version of the engine.' I figured this could be the problem, but no other version exists on my drive. So I did a clean install and update. Still no soap.

If anyone else has had this problem and has resolved it, please let me know. Otherwise, it's off to email Dee I go. And, here's a screenshot for you of the error:

Posted Image


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

(This message has been edited by Tarnćlion Andiyarus (edited 10-21-2002).)

Tarnœlion: I'll test this tonight as soon as I can grab the very latest Coldstone build. Should be able to pull it down here at work with some speed. 🙂

all the best,

Dave @ ATMOS

(url="http://"http://www.sourcecod.com")sourcecod(/url) for hosting that doesn't suck.

Andiyar knows this, but I had no problems compiling it for OS X from OS 9.2 with Carbon lib 1.6.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.
"Logic is futile"-Scott Adams

I still have to test that in OS9 spitfire, but once I do (say tonight after Uni) I'll let people know if it works for me. If it does, at least I'll have a workaround, although I really don't enjoy using 9 anymore.

Also pipe, that'll be good. Not many people seem to have the update yet, and so I haven't been able to find out much.

After I've tested it I'll send an email on to Dee anyway, and see what happens. In the meantime, has anyone else tried to create a build for OSX in OSX, either the Classic or Carbon application of 1.0.1, and has it worked for you?



"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

Well, I've tested it with 9.2 and 9.1, and on both of my machines I get the same errors: NilObjectException in the Carbon editor, and StackOverflowClass in the Classic editor. These errors only occur when I try to build a carbon executable, the windows and classic builds work fine. Each time it states that it is looking for an older version of the engine, and then crashes at that point.

I'm open to any input here. 🙂


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

I don't know what to tell you there. Did you try restarting using OS 9?

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.
"Logic is futile"-Scott Adams

Well, that would work, because I have OS 9.0.4, and it works perfectly. Sorry if that didn't help.


Be carefree like the
bunny; nibble on grass,
prance through fields.


Originally posted by spitfire:
**I don't know what to tell you there. Did you try restarting using OS 9?

Of course. I keep classic around for the use of it's environment, and two of my four machines run pre-OSX anyway. I simply tried on both of them, and also rebooted one of my two work machines into 9.2. (The others were 9.1 and 8.6). Gives me the same error on all of them.

Oh, and Bunny, are you using Coldstone 1.0.1 or 1.0.0? 1.0.0 has no problems for me with compilers but does in other areas, and 1.0.1 is much more stable but can't build an OSX build for me.


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

Andiyar, just as a thought: try updating your CarbonLib in Mac OS 9 to the very latest version (try (url="http://"http://www.versiontracker.com)")www.versiontracker.com)(/url).

I haven't had a chance here to test yet, but given the other responses I think we're looking at something related to your particular project which may not be something that many other people are running across as yet.


(url="http://"http://www.sourcecod.com")sourcecod(/url) for hosting that doesn't suck.


Originally posted by pipeline:
**Andiyar, just as a thought: try updating your CarbonLib in Mac OS 9 to the very latest version (try www.versiontracker.com).

I haven't had a chance here to test yet, but given the other responses I think we're looking at something related to your particular project which may not be something that many other people are running across as yet.


I'll give it a shot Dave. But Coldstone itself runs fine in OS9 and Classic and the executables it creates for 9 run as well. It's just the OSX builds it creates, it can't seem to do them....

Ah well. I'll keep trying.


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"


Originally posted by Tarnćlion Andiyarus:
**I'll give it a shot Dave. But Coldstone itself runs fine in OS9 and Classic and the executables it creates for 9 run as well. It's just the OSX builds it creates, it can't seem to do them....

Query for you: is this with ~anything~ you try to compile under the new build of Coldstone, or just your project?


(url="http://"http://www.sourcecod.com")sourcecod(/url) for hosting that doesn't suck.


Originally posted by pipeline:
**Query for you: is this with ~anything~ you try to compile under the new build of Coldstone, or just your project?

Andiyar? Did you see this?


(url="http://"http://www.sourcecod.com")sourcecod(/url) for hosting that doesn't suck.


Originally posted by pipeline:
**Andiyar? Did you see this?


Just then. 🙂 I've been off for a day or so. But yes, anything I try to build, and I've tried a clean project, crashes in the OSX compiler. Of course, it might have something to do with some of the events I use in the startup chains, so I'll try a clean build of the Medieval game tonight after work.


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

(quote)Originally posted by Tarnćlion Andiyarus:
**Just then.:)


(url="http://"http://www.sourcecod.com")sourcecod(/url) for hosting that doesn't suck.

(quote)Originally posted by pipeline:
**That would be very cool.;) ) and I'll let you guys know.


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

(quote)Originally posted by Tarnćlion Andiyarus:
**OK, tested. And Medieval works fine. So therefore seems to be a problem with the way I code the events..... except for that silly "checking for old version of the engine" message....... I have absolutely no idea what that refers to.

Ah well. I'll take the game apart over the weekend (if I find the time 😄


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

Glad to hear that you are making progress with Epitheisterra, is there any chance of making an update to the Epitheisterra site ?
Perhaps some screens you have laying around that you'd like to share?



Originally posted by ellrx:
**Glad to hear that you are making progress with Epitheisterra, is there any chance of making an update to the Epitheisterra site ?
Perhaps some screens you have laying around that you'd like to share?

Currently I have barely enough time to even read the boards here..... I've only got two more weeks before stuvac begins, and then a week after that my final exams. However, once all that is out of the way, I'll definitely start updating the site regularly.... and I might share some screens. We'll see. 😉


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"