1 quick little question if you don't mind...

Hello. I am a newbie to the Ares web board, and I had just 1 quick little question: Are there any kind of plugins/add ons/enhancements to the game without using a web game? If there are, would you please tell me which ones? Thanks in advance!!


hello you are obvoisly new here: look in the ares addons section. I think thats what you need. Also get version of ares 1.2b6



"You can get much further with kind words and a loaded gun than you can with kind words alone."
- Al Capone

Actually, there are quite a few plugs for "Non-Net-Game" Ares.

P.S. New PICTs 1.0 is one of them, go to (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ares/addons.html")www.ambrosiaSW.com/games/ares/addons.html(/url)

To Escape Velocity 3 and Beyond!