The End of the Competition

Well, this is a rather sad announcement for me.... I've decided to end the Coldstone Chronicle of the Month competition, since there hasn't really been sufficient material to release a chronicle a week, and thus vote on several a month.

If the amount of chronicles does increase again, I might consider reinstating the competition, but until then, I've decided to adopt a system similar to the one used by Cythera Chronicles moderators.

Basically, when you submit a chronicle, I'll read it through, and assuming that it is worthy of publication, I will award you a karma point. Of course, if the Chronicle of the Month system is revised, I'll still give karma for submissions, but the winner of the competition will gain extra rewards.

Anyway, I'm sorry if anyone is dissappointed, but hey, if you like high karma, submit something readable every now and again and it will come. Probably. 😉


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

/me tips his hat. "Ye'll be missed, Cron of the month." 🙂

Just a relevant note, did you know that the Cythera Cron mods are now holding a monthly Chronicle of the Month? You're an inspiration, Andiyar. 🙂 Though Andiyar, this month looks to have the possibility of four different writers plying their wares, so you may be in luck.

"Then you do believe that we are real. You think us capable of not forgiving you. Who would forgive you more readily than your dream?"
"No," the Unbeliever said. "Dreams never forgive."
-Stephen Donaldson,
The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever


Originally posted by Celchu:
**Just a relevant note, did you know that the Cythera Cron mods are now holding a monthly Chronicle of the Month? You're an inspiration, Andiyar.:)


Yep, it seems we've traded systems. 😉

"I hate that! Your answers are always short, precise, and utterly useless!"


Originally posted by Avatara:
**Yep, it seems we've traded systems.;)

Strange, isn't it...and at the same point of time, even.

Arrogance and ignorance walk hand in hand.