Hello, and I need Animation Help

Hi, I am sort of new kinda, and I need help with animation type stuff. Basically, I am wondering if it is possible to use a standard animation as a character graphic, because my game's character doesn't face any direction for complicated reasons. If not, then some help understanding the 8 directional animation system would be nice, because the manual was sort of confusing.


So, you want one animation to be used for all possible facings? That's simple to do, relatively. Just take the animation set you want to have, and put the exact same frames in each direction. That didn't come out too well, πŸ™‚ so here's a visual.

The standard hero has the following .pict files. This is a condensed version. Forgive me if I get directional order wrong.


Okay, here you have two sets of attack graphics, of five frames each. One is to the north and one to the east. You will make #1 of each direction identical, and #2 of N will be the same as #2 of E, and so forth. Capiche? Just post back if that wasn't what you wanted.

(This message has been edited by Celchu (edited 08-02-2002).)

That was my contingency plan. Thank you


Welcome, I don't think I can help...sry

Created in the Future by M e t a -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.


Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:
**Welcome, I don't think I can help...sry


If you don't have anything to contribute, please don't post.

Celchu's suggestion works well if you want your character to animate like a character still. That is, animated only when moving around the map - if standing still, your character will remain on the same frame until it moves again. If, on the other hand, you would like the character to be continually animated (say if he's a swirl of dust or a pulsating blob or something) you can indeed use a "standard" type animation.

The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens. - BahΓ‘'u'llΓ‘h
ζˆ‘δΈθ―΄δΈ­ζ–‡ πŸ™‚

I was just trying to be friendly......

Created in the Future by M e t a -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.

A standard type will work also? Excellent! Thank you Glenn.


Originally posted by Glenn:
If, on the other hand, you would like the character to be continually animated (say if he's a swirl of dust or a pulsating blob or something) you can indeed use a "standard" type animation.

Hey! What a concept! I never thought of that Glenn. I went into Menu:Project/Misc/select and chose the wheel animation from Village anims folder and wala! I could drive a turning wheel anywhere on the map. You ask, So? Well just think. I can create a vehicle to drive as my hero and as I drive the wheels are turning and his weapon is flaming fire. Or, Perhaps a steamboat with puffs of smoke coming out the stack. Or how about a space vehicle with animated flames coming out its tail end? Now for the BIG question. How can you change those animation on the fly? Say when I want the animated vehicle to turn the other direction. Hmmm... maybe an event tile, like in the sailboat forum thread??? Anyway this puts a whole new light on animating the Hero


(This message has been edited by Toast (edited 08-03-2002).)

I wonder if this will lead to figuring out how to 'breathe'



Originally posted by MKandChampandChampJr:
I was just trying to be friendly...

We appreciate that, however this is not a chatting-type topic. This is a help topic, and unhelpful posts are considered spam. Please do not repeat this mistake.

(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/cafall/pog/tfm.html")The Four Mages(/url), an unfinished quest-oriented plug-in for Pillars of Garendall.
If passion rules reason, how can you allow only reason to rule you?
Β— Cafall

Originally posted by Cafalll:to MK
We appreciate that, however this is not a chatting-type topic. This is a help topic, and unhelpful posts are considered spam. Please do not repeat this mistake.

Cafall, what's the difference in your post and MK's? You're not answering anyones cry for help and at this post neither am I. Judge not that ye be not judged. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


Cool! I never thought you could have a standard animation in your character! Anyone know how to make the game load with the dialogue pic?

You can also make your animated character move around, like if making somewhat of a movie. πŸ˜„

Be carefree like the
bunny; nibble on grass,
prance through fields.

What do you mean by dialouge pic? If you are talking about a picture that is displayed with the dialog, then drop the picture you want to display in the events: pics folder of your game, open the dialog editor that you want to display the picture in, and select the picture.

Hope that helped πŸ˜„

And don't play dumb, you're not as good at it as I am!

(This message has been edited by BryceCubed (edited 08-08-2002).)

About animating, can you make an animation for a character standing still? Or was that already answered as standerd animation?

Thank you.