Easy/Free 3D modeller Clayscape 3D

(url="http://"http://www.jarfish.com/ClayScape3D.sit.bin")ClayScape 3D(/url)

it's just like molding clay with 3d fingers,
the details are here:
By: Jarfish Design, Jared Schiffman,
Size: 996k compressed, 1.6 expanded
download directly from:
(url="http://"http://www.jarfish.com/ClayScape3D.sit.bin")Jarfish)Jarfish Design(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ellrx/download/clayscape3d.sit") eLL' Software(/url)
site: (url="http://"http://www.jarfish.com/")Jarfish Design(/url)
this is an excerpt from my main page:

I'm not abandoning Meshwork, or my 3d model, however i found a 3d modelling software that makes it a joy to do graphics, it cuts out all the repetetive, shifting, resizing, copying, and can even cut down on the bane that comes from texture mapping. I have this gem, ClayScape3D, or you can download it from the source, JarFish Design , By Jared Schiffman. Want to find out more before you download, grab the ReadMe. Here's a quote from the author :
"Welcome to ClayScape3D. ClayScape3D is a 3D modeling program which allows the user to interactively sculpt virtual clay in real time.

ClayScape3D is geared toward Macintosh 3D graphics enthusiasts. Specifically, it is for people looking to create or edit 3D models in ways never thought possible. It is intuitive enough for amateurs and powerful enough for professionals.

ClayScape3D is unlike any other 3D modeling package currently on the market, since it utilizes a method of interaction which was previously unattainable given processor technology. Thanks to faster CPUs, and the rise of commonplace 3D graphics hardware, users can now interact with their model as they have always dreamed. In ClayScape3D, users can push and pull at the model's surface. They can select a region of the surface simply by lassoing it, or even painting on a selection. They can even interact with clay as if it were on potter's wheel. ClayScape3D treats the 3D surface as a true medium, not as a synthetically produced construction.

With ClayScape3D users can easily create everything from organic shapes to complex terrains. ClayScape3D can even import models created in other programs, and distort them, dent them, paint them, bend them, stamp them, pinch them, twist them, roughen them, poke at them and then export them."_(url="http://"http://www.jarfish.com/aboutcs3d.html")The full article can be found here(/url)

EDIT: fixed the url errors/inconsistencies

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ellrx/index.html")"I'm gonna totally gnaw on your soul, and like floss with your spirit"(/url) visit my site (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ellrx/index.html")eLL' Software theNest(/url) (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ellrx/index.html")Kane your brother's blood cries out to me..." ~God, didn't think God was iLL like that didja?ż(/url)

(This message has been edited by ill_a_nois (edited 07-27-2002).)


Created in the Future by **** -Knight in his old age. I was sent to the future to undo the justice Kirby had preformed apon Popstar. I then found a Chao. I named it champ. He acompanied me on my quest. He then had a son named Champ Jr. so the Saga continues.


Originally posted by ill_a_nois:
...it's just like molding clay with 3d fingers...

Yeah, it is. Neat concept, but I personally prefer more precise mathematical control over my models than I find that this app gives. It's definitely worth checking out, though.

The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens. - Bahá'u'lláh
我不说中文 🙂


Originally posted by Glenn:
**Yeah, it is. Neat concept, but I personally prefer more precise mathematical control over my models than I find that this app gives. It's definitely worth checking out, though.


For buildings, and other structurally geometric items yeah, but for organic things that you want a more lifelike feel to such as creatures real/mythical, and other natural objects. I'll probably end up using it to circumvent building rough figures and then refine it using meshworks...

still clueless Champ? then why not download the thing and give it a whirl, couldn't hurt

(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ellrx/index.html")"I'm gonna totally gnaw on your soul, and like floss with your spirit"(/url) visit my site (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ellrx/index.html")eLL' Software theNest(/url) (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ellrx/index.html")Kane your brother's blood cries out to me..." ~God, didn't think God was iLL like that didja?ż(/url)