Demo and real thing??

What is the difference between the coldstone demo and real thing. Please tell me cuz the demo was hard and i couldnt do much on it. Please tell me please.

If you're refering to the coldstone application before registering it as the demo - then you pretty much have everything that comes with it - besides the art, sounds, music... that come on the cd.

The only real difference is that you get that register message at the startup of coldstone and another message whenever you compile a game.

If you're having trouble using coldstone I'd suggest going through one of the tutorials that can be found in the add-on page.

I hope that answered your question!



Originally posted by Klatu:
**If you're refering to the coldstone application before registering it as the demo - then you pretty much have everything that comes with it - besides the art, sounds, music... that come on the cd.

The only real difference is that you get that register message at the startup of coldstone and another message whenever you compile a game.

If you're having trouble using coldstone I'd suggest going through one of the tutorials that can be found in the add-on page.

I hope that answered your question!


Also, before Coldstone is registered, you are limited in the number of events you can create (I think the limit is forty.).

If you need any help. Chrios, feel free to ask here. Coldstone can be a bit difficult to just dive into, but with a bit of practise, it can become quite fun to use. 🙂


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

Thanks. I appreciated it. Thanks again. And again. 🙂

Boys & Girls, It always pays to pay for good quality software...

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Yes. Im saving my money. Almost there... (im a kid)