Two techie questions

1. How does use of tiles affect memory useage in the engine? Is a playing area composed of tiles more memory-efficient than a painted map the same size? Do tiles get tokenized internally? Is the map unpacked to a full-size raster when being played, or is it only the visible portion, with the rest expanded dynamically as the player moves?

The important part of this question is whether using tiles to construct a map is more of a time-saver at creation time, or whether it saves memory to use repetitive tile images when the game is being played.

2. Can the game react to a "key up" event? If the player is in motion (with the mouse held down), it does seem to react to "key down", in that an event triggered by a key can occur while the player moves - but only once, because the game doesn't seem to read that the key has been released; if it is pressed a second time without releasing the mouse button, no event occurs. Reacting to key up would be nice, but if that's not possible, it would at least be good to clear the key-down strobe after it's read. Old-school programmers from the Apple // days should remember this: BIT $C010 if I'm not mistaken. 🙂 Clear the keyboard strobe after reading it, always. Can this be done?


At the risk of being obnoxious, bump

Do the developers read this board? Is there are better way to ask questions like this if not?



Originally posted by TomatoMan:
**At the risk of being obnoxious, bump

Do the developers read this board? Is there are better way to ask questions like this if not?


Yes, but weekends are slow sometimes.

Tiles are much more memory efficenent
, Dee talked about this in the 'chat' he held awhile back. I believe the map is full size when you are playing not just the visable portion.

the PoG screen that loaded full size ie learning tree is a good example.

as for a key up event Im clueless


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Originally posted by TomatoMan:
2. Can the game react to a "key up" event?

Not to the best of my knowledge. I don't remember seeing anything about it in the manual, nor have I seen anything in PoG which would suggest the presence of such a feature.

Your point about "clearing the keymap" is a good one, though.

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