help with game start

I wouldnt say im new at coldstone... ill say im an amateur. Anyway, how do they do it in POG that when you start a new game the story comes up before you enter your name. i've tried many, numerous different ways to get this, but to no avail. Also, i'd like to make it that, when faded to black, for instance, sleeping, it shows dialouge, for instance, a dream? Thanks for helping!

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Originally posted by OgreBob
Anyway, how do they do it in POG that when you start a new game the story comes up before you enter your name.

At your title screen, make the "New Game" button teleport you to a main location with a picture that tells some of your story. On that location make an area that, once clicked sends the user to the next location with the next part of your story, and make it so that if the user hits "esc" it automatically goes to event "afterStory" or whatever. Do this for all your story locations and the last one go to the event "afterStory." For the "afterStory" event add the Engine Call:New Game action.
Don't know about your other question.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.


Originally posted by OgreBob:
**Also, i'd like to make it that, when faded to black, for instance, sleeping, it shows dialouge, for instance, a dream? Thanks for helping!


Create a Main location which is entirely black. In your event, fade to black normally, then switch to the new location (since you're blacked out, I believe the loading dialog will not be visible) and fade quickly back in. Since the location is black, the fade in won't be visible, but now you can use dialogs and such. At the end of the dream, fade to black again, switch back to the old location (save/restore locations might be the best way to do this) and fade back in. Voilá!

I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. - Douglas Adams
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Now why didn't I think of that?

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.