Morality in your games.

Or more precisely, the level of evil. Some people avoid all mention of the occult, for fear they will be branded Satanists. Others embrace it, as seen in Doom or other games. Others go in between.

What about you? In your game, what level of evil will you have? Will there be demons up the wazoo, blood sacrifices in every dungeon, or will the most evil creature in the game be Michael Jackson? Or will they be allowed, even encouraged to go to the dark side?

Seeing as how I posted this topic, I figured I should say my stuff first. No demons, as that doesn’t fit the setting very well. Some groups may do sacrifices, most notably the druids, as is their heritage. Progression to evil will definitely be allowed, but not held higher than good. The most ‘evil’ part is probably what some would call heresy, read Creation in the Coldstone Chronicles for more on that.

That said, got sin?

And yes, I do realize this is my 666th post. Scary, isn’t it? Posted Image

"... For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause..." - Willaim Shakespeare, Hamlet


Originally posted by Celchu:
**What about you? In your game, what level of evil will you have? Will there be demons up the wazoo, blood sacrifices in every dungeon, or will the most evil creature in the game be Michael Jackson? Or will they be allowed, even encouraged to go to the dark side?
That said, got sin?

Not a whole lot. There is tyranny, but not much for cultic practices. The closest you get to evil is joining the Raklavor, who are little more than cruel oppressors of the Garritor.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

Can't we just leave religion out of this?

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Originally posted by Bobster47:
**Can't we just leave religion out of this?


Considering that religion is one of the central points of a person's morality and that mixing of religions is a focal point of my game... no. Just answer the question, we don't need a debate here. That's what Just Chat is for. 😛 BTW, this is unregistered to keep my lovely post count.

You're even more vain than I am, Celchu. 😛

The greatest of harm can result from the best of intentions — Wizard's Second Rule, Stone of Tears.
— Cafall


Originally posted by Celchu:
**What about you? In your game, what level of evil will you have? Will there be demons up the wazoo, blood sacrifices in every dungeon, or will the most evil creature in the game be Michael Jackson? Or will they be allowed, even encouraged to go to the dark side?

That said, got sin?**

Well, I'm not creating a new game, just plug-ins for PoG. That being said I really like to have choices and options in a game, and having the freedom to do so.

One of my beefs with PoG is that you are cast in the role of hero, and you have no choice to deviate from that role. Doesn't the hero ever feel sick of being the errand boy, running after this that and the other thing? What would happen if an evil presence offered the hero a deal, to join forces with the "dark side?" Would the hero accept and join the dark forces, or would he instead stick true to moral principles and fight the evil? And if the hero decided to join the dark side, could he ever change his mind and get redemption?

Without going into my current plug-in more than what I did above(which wasn't much, hah), I am attempting to delve into the above a bit. My plug-in will add a new element of evil in the land, and the hero will have to make a conscientious choice to fight it or to ally with it. Both choices lead down different paths to different endings.

After I finish this one, I would like to make a plug-in that has a less "good vs. evil" theme, where the choices are not so obvious. But this is too far off to even begin planning at this point. Must finish the above one and then get back to my currently halted plug-in... heh.

"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea --
massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a
source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect
it." -- Gene Spafford, 1992

Having the opportunity to do evil in a video game, aside from being a big seller (as GTA3 has proven) is, in my opinion, part of why video games are so fun. Anything you can't do in real life becomes delicious fun in a video game. Evil is one of those things you can't do in real life. I'm assuming I am speaking to sane people here.

We have opportunites for the PC to do mean things, hurtful things, selfish things, but nothing really evil. Our game is, for the most part, about a hero, and to add an option for true evil and a world that responds appropriately to it would be like creating an entirely new game.

As far as evil in the game in general, hell yes. Dark, terrifying, demonic, soul shredding evil. I personally do not need an evil antagonist to be drawn into a story, but that is the direction we are taking this particular game.

Selling a game as shareware over the internet implies a certain amount of freedom of speech one must assume (sadly) does not quite exist in the commercial gaming world. We're taking advantage of that.


I'd really like to make a fairly grim, dark RPG with "friends" betraying each other, corruption at all levels, and no one side of the conflict being more "good" than the other. I don't think my game would have demons and the like - man's inhumanity to man is a quite sufficient source of evil for me.

...However, I've sadly decided that I lack the time in my present life to really do such a game justice. Therefore, my current, simpler project's morality is more of a classic old-school RPG style - as in, "You're the legendary hero, and you must kill the evil foozle in order to save the world." You're good, in a generic way, and the enemy is evil, in a similarly generic fashion. Simplistic? Of course. 😛 Expect a fair bit of wry and referential humor, though, and in any case, I hope the interesting ways in which I'm mutilating the Coldstone engine will help to make up for it. 🙂

I would rather discover a single fact, even a small one, than debate the great issues at length without discovering anything at all. - Galileo Galilei

Evil? Good? Those does not exist in my game, its just a matter of opinions. The two sides that fight in my game fight both for what they believe is right and they fight for their opinion. The sides of course says to the people that the other side is the evil one.


Originally posted by ERaZer:
Evil? Good? Those does not exist in my game, its just a matter of opinions. The two sides that fight in my game fight both for what they believe is right and they fight for their opinion. The sides of course says to the people that the other side is the evil one.

Isn't that a bit too realistic for a modern RPG? 😉

The greatest of harm can result from the best of intentions — Wizard's Second Rule, Stone of Tears.
— Cafall

well hey, what about people (especially NPCs) who CHANGE their allignment? For example, in the RPG that I'm working on, a miniboss, who is actually the ghost (Graphic: Dark Spirit) of the late Royal Advisor, who, in fact, people had doubts about and believed him to be doing evil things, is at first, evil, because he attcks the hero, obviously. However, once killed, he becomes a free spirit, and, he was only hurting because he was a tormented spirit (hence, what a ghost is). Well, anyway, once freed from his torment, he actually helps the hero in explaining and actually revealing part of the hero's quest. This is another thing. What if evil is only evil, because of certain conditions?