PoG Dev Tools v1.0 Released

I just finished uploading the first version of my plug-in: PoG Dev Tools. As soon as a mod is able to review the file and post it, it should be available for download. I'm posting the readme file below as a "what is it?" since I think it explains it quite well. In order to quickly head off any questions to the effect of "why was this uploaded to the Coldstone ftp site and posted on the Coldstone board?" the answer to that is two-fold:

  1. The PoG Dev Tools package is designed to be a set of tools to aid developers in making plug-ins for Pillars of Garendall. In order to make a plug-in for this game one needs to be using CGE. Thus the Coldstone board and ftp site are the place for development tools.

  2. My intention in making this tool set was to help people who are writing plug-ins for PoG, and also to encourage people to make plug-ins for PoG. My intention is not to make "just another cheat plug" for people too lazy to play the game as it was meant to be played. The dev tools I made could very easily be used as a cheat, so by posting it here instead of on the PoG side I am hopeful that it will mainly be developers that will see and utilize this plug-in.

Alright, here's the included readme.txt file with the package that explains what it is and what it does:


Included in the ReadMe.txt file within the PoG Dev Tools kit: **
===(PoG Dev Tools)===

This plug-in has been designed to be a useful tool in building plug-ins for Pillars of Garendall. It has the following functions within the PoG game:

! : Pressing the ! key(shift-1) will pull up a map of the kingdom of Garendall. Written on the map are the names of the various maps that make up the game. Clicking on any numbered square or upon the "quick links" on the left side of the map will instantly transport the character to that location.

@ : Pressing the @ key(shift-2) will open up an "Ask Entry" box that will allow you to enter in the name of an area that you wish to go to. Only the alpha-numeric portion of the areas name needs to be entered(ie. enter "H10" to go to "World_H10"). Once entered the character will be instantly transported to that area.

: Pressing the # key(shift-3) will open a dialog box displaying the available preset coordinates. Clicking once will open an "Ask Entry" box that will allow you to enter in one of those preset coordinates. Enter the coordinates without spaces or the seperating comma(ie. enter "100100" for "(100,100)"). Entering one of the preset coordinates will instantly transport the character to that spot on the current map.

Delete : Pressing the Delete key will open up the overview display map without the normal Fog of War. This will allow you to view the entire area as it has been built, allows for screen captures, etc. This display will not show current location on the map, nor npcs.

Additionally this package comes with a graphic, "kingdomnumbered.pct" that displays the map of the kingdom of Garendall with the area names written upon it. I recommend dropping this file into your Coldstone->Pictures directory for quick reference when developing plug-ins.

Simply drag and drop the folder entitled "PoG Dev Tools" (no underscores) into the Pillars of Garendall->Plugins directory. Drag and drop the file "kingdomnumbered.pct" into the pictures directory of whatever plug-in you are building. To use the PoG Dev Tools within the game simply start up Pillars of Garendall after installation, and check the box next to "PoG Dev Tools" in the plug-in selector.

Final thoughts:
The next revision should remove the preset coordinates in favor of a system where you can simply type in coordinates of your own and be teleported there. Unfortunately there is a bug in the Coldstone update that makes tag values not work correctly in the map position event, so until this bug is fixed the only way to change coordinates is to use preset locations. Once the update fixes this problem, this plug-in will be updated.

Also, once the above problem is corrected through the release of the update to Coldstone, I plan on releasing the source code for this plug-in. This will allow for customization of the Dev Tools. However I would like for the plug-in to be "complete" prior to the release of the source code, so I'm going to wait until the above bug is fixed.

Please report bugs to me and I will do my best to fix them and upload an update. If you have suggestions for tools to add to this kit feel free to make them. If I feel they will aid the community and I wish to make the tool, then I will do so. However as I plan on releasing the source code in the near future I may also ask that you wait and do it yourself. But feel welcome to ask.

Version history:

V1.0 Plug-in completed, compiled, released.

Tech support:
PoG webboard: http://www.AmbrosiaS...er=61&SUBMIT=Go

Author contact information:
Mike Zeman
Email: honda@avalon.net
Ambrosia web board: Stark Bledfast**

"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea --
massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a
source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect
it." -- Gene Spafford, 1992

I thought you were going to distribute the source file for the plug-in, not the plug-in itself. If you are distributing a tool to the developer market, making it open source is a good idea. Plus, it will keep all those lazy PoG players away. šŸ™‚

The greatest of harm can result from the best of intentions Ā— Wizard's Second Rule, Stone of Tears.
Ā— Cafall


Originally posted by Cafall:
**I thought you were going to distribute the source file for the plug-in, not the plug-in itself. If you are distributing a tool to the developer market, making it open source is a good idea. Plus, it will keep all those lazy PoG players away.:)

Tisk tisk Cafall, you didn't read the whole readme file...


Also, once the above problem is corrected through the release of the update to Coldstone, I plan on releasing the source code for this plug-in. This will allow for customization of the Dev Tools. However I would like for the plug-in to be "complete" prior to the release of the source code, so I'm going to wait until the above bug is fixed.

"Usenet is like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea --
massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a
source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect
it." -- Gene Spafford, 1992

It's done, Stark. šŸ™‚


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"


Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
< scolding; BTW, the correct spelling is "tsk". šŸ˜› >

Oops. Sorry. šŸ™‚

The greatest of harm can result from the best of intentions Ā— Wizard's Second Rule, Stone of Tears.
Ā— Cafall