What is Karma?

In a coldstone game in the statistics it shows karma. What does it do?



Originally posted by GrahamVH:
**In a coldstone game in the statistics it shows karma. What does it do?


Whatever you define it to do. Traditionally, Karma is your hero's mojo. If he is nice and "good" he has good karma. If he is a bad boy(ie. like Cafall), then he has bad karma.

But pretty much you can define what you want it to do, as I understand it.

I was thinking about sometime in the future using Karma in a PoG plug-in(since the player never sees his Karma rating I especially like the thought of utilizing it, heh). And if his karma gets too low then certain people just won't interact with him. If his karma gets too high then the "bad" people will become hostile. So the player will need to figure out which "side" he wants to be on, and then do deeds that will either raise, or lower, his karma to the level that he wants to be at. Ie, diabolic, a little bad, kind of good, or saintly.

But I haven't used it yet, so at this point this is all conjecture.

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It should be noted that there isn't a whole lot that karma can do that couldn't be done just as well with an arbitrary global variable. Off the top of my head, the few things karma does have in its favor:
()Can be displayed in map interface, main interface, and statistics window.
)Can be changed directly by the player's class/race (You could change a global by some conditionals in the Main event, but this is more straightforward.)
(*)Can be changed directly by items/spells (You could change a global with event links of either, but this is slightly more straightforward.)
Anything I'm missing?

I would rather discover a single fact, even a small one, than debate the great issues at length without discovering anything at all. - Galileo Galilei


From the Manual
**Coldstone does not use this statistic by default. You can use it in events and the like to do whatever you want.


Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

(This message has been edited by spitfire (edited 06-25-2002).)


Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
If he is a bad boy(ie. like Cafall), then he has bad karma.

Posted Image


I was thinking about sometime in the future using Karma in a PoG plug-in(since the player never sees his Karma rating I especially like the thought of utilizing it, heh). And if his karma gets too low then certain people just won't interact with him. If his karma gets too high then the "bad" people will become hostile. So the player will need to figure out which "side" he wants to be on, and then do deeds that will either raise, or lower, his karma to the level that he wants to be at. Ie, diabolic, a little bad, kind of good, or saintly.

Before you do that, you'll need to check with Beenox to see whether or not PoG already uses karma for something.

The greatest of harm can result from the best of intentions — Wizard's Second Rule, Stone of Tears.
— Cafall


Originally posted by Cafall:
**Posted Image

I think not.

Posted Image

Pierced In Places You'd Love To Lick: 10 - 8
