Why dies my map change?

I am having a wierd problem with the Coldstone Map editor, in the actual editor, I have a map of a city with many roads going in different directions. The problem arrives when I test my game and some of the ground tiles are missing or different than what was shown in the Map Editor. Is there any logical reason for this? 😕

(Quote) I think that the
surest sign of
intelligent life in the
universe is that none of

I was having a similar problem - just make sure that your tile images are the same size as the size of the tiles on the map!


Klatu is quite correct here. Just make sure that the dimensions you use for the actual .pct images are exactly the same as the dimensions for ground tiles. The two have to be the same dimensions in pixels to draw correctly.


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

I resized the map to make the tiles the same size and it didn't work. I am still having the same problem. (32x32, right? I am using the standard forest base tiles that came with coldstone) :frown:

I think the surest sign of intelligent life in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.


Originally posted by BryceCubed:
32x32, right? I am using the standard forest base tiles that came with coldstone

All of the tiles that come with Coldstone are 96x96.



Originally posted by rambler:
**All of the tiles that come with Coldstone are 96x96.


Bryce: Rambler is right. I don't know if you're thinking of the movement tiles or ground tiles, but it seems like the former. Make sure the ground is set to 96x96, and the movement is set to some factor of the above. (48x48, 32x32, 16x16, etc.)

"... For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause..." - Willaim Shakespeare, Hamlet

(This message has been edited by Celchu (edited 06-18-2002).)

Originally posted by rambler:


All of the tiles that come with Coldstone are 96x96.

Sorry, I thought that the tiles were 32x32 because that is the default set by the coldstane map editor. I resized the picture tiles and everything is looking good so far. 🙂 The only problem is that now I have to completly redo the map to make everything fit together and look nice. (rrrrg!) :mad: Thanks for the help guys.

I think the surest sign of intelligent life in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

Sorry for the double post, but I had a quick thought. It seems that havng your picture tiles be 96x96 might make the ground look a little big for the hero and other characters. On the other hand, I didn't know another way of making my map look nice, so I just stuck it out. Then I had a cool idea, anyone who likes to play around with thier Mac knows that you can take pictures of the screen using a keyboard shortcut. (Command-Shift-3) This can also be used to take pictures of a window (Command-Shift-4-Caps Lock) or a rectangle dragged out by the user. (Command-Shift-4 See Mac Help: Shortcuts and tips for more information) well, one day I decided to activate the grid in the Coldstone Map editor and I found that the images on the tile palette are 32x32, the size I originally wanted. Maybe if you took pictures of the palette images and used those as tiles, you could have 32x32 ground tiles that would not get screwed up in a coldstone game. Granted, this might take awhile, but I am going to try it and see if it works. I will then put the smaller tiles on the Coldstone add-ons page for you to use. 😄

If you have any questions about my method feel free to e-mail me at BryceCube1@aol.com

I think the surest sign of intelligent life in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

Bryce, the 96x96 are not what define a player's movement. The player can move on any size of tile you want, from the 32x32 you mentioned to an insane 1x1. It's your choice. BTW, making the smaller tiles would be useless. It would create confusion in the map editor for absolutely nothing.

To make the player walk on a 32x32 grid, create a new map. Set 'ground tiles' to 96x96 to be compatible with the CS graphics. The set 'movement tiles' to 32x32 to have the player walk on a smaller grid.

"... For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause..." - Willaim Shakespeare, Hamlet

I know that having the picture tiles be 96x96 does not limit the player to move 96x96. You can set movement tiles to be whatever you want. The only reason I posted the new method was to have the roads not be as big, sort of like the sample game that comes with coldstone, and that the tiles there would be not messed up in the game.

Basically, I don't like the way 96x96 picture tiles look in a city enviroment. But of course I also did not like having the ground screwed up in my game, so I came up with this picture-taking method to get the 32x32 Picture tiles that I wanted without screwing up the graphics in the game

I think the surest sign of intelligent life in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.

Not all of the ground tiles are 96x96.

In the crypt library I ran into a problem where some of the ground tiles would display fine in the editor, but would not appear in launched version of the game. I found that those tiles that did not appear were actually 95x95! Oops. These came off the Coldstone CD I just received. Someone might want to correct this before the next release. Using a graphics program, I opened the basic floor tile (96x96) and then pasted on the 95x95 tiles and saved out new versions to use.
