Coldstone Problems (glitches)

I've had Coldstone for all of one day and I'm already experiencing 2 glitches. The first is that the ground doesn't show up properly when I play the game. In the editor, I use the transition pics between grass/sand or sand/water and such but they don't seem to show up when I run the game. Also, I made an event where you must pick up a sword and bow before you are allowed to leave the area. Whenever the player tries to pick up the sword, the game quits. Have any of you had these problems? If so, help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

First what OS are you using? With How much mem given to Coldstone?
The first problem may be any number of things, missing graphics, wrong layering or something else the second also could be a number of things and since youre pretty new to Coldstone my guess would be a scripting type of error when it quits. CGE has qiut on me but mostly in the editor when i strech the mem a bit two much.

I would build the sample game inculed with Coldstone and then build a screen just south of the city to test the tiles and event scripting this will insure all the important files and graphics are there.


See CGE_Tips at:

I'm using OS 8.1 and I've given it around 45000 k.


I give it 100mb and that seems to work.

what happens when you edit the sample game?


See CGE_Tips at:

I gave it 100 mb but no change. What did you mean by "edit the sample game?"



Originally posted by Ironscythe:
**I gave it 100 mb but no change. What did you mean by "edit the sample game?"

I believe that stray was referring to the 'Medieval' template that you download along with the engine. Initially, I'd recommend that you build a template game with it, and then have a browse through it's Event files, etc, whilst having a read of the manual. You also might like to download the tutorial, (url="http://"")here(/url).

Anyway, about your problems: the first is most likely a layers problem. Have you constructed the ground tiles in a seperate layer, or are they all in the same layer as the player, stamps etc? This is not a good way to do it...... it crashes the game at least half the time, to my knowledge. If this is the case, create a new layer, call it "Ground" or something similar, and then redo all of the tiles in it. Next, remove said tiles from the 'Player' layer, if they are still present, and make sure that the 'Ground' layer is located below the "Player" layer (above it in the list, click the little arrow at the bottom of the layers dialogue to move it.) Then test your game. If it works, then you'll know it was definitely the layer, and you'll know how to avoid it. Otherwise, post here again.

As to your problem with the sword.... I'd say it is definitely a scripting problem. When the game quits, does it tell you that it crashed? If so, backtrack, and look at your conditionals to make sure that the event chain is going where you want it to, and in the proper sequence...... also, you are using a global variable to determine whether the sword is picked up or not, aren't you? If so, it might be a problem with the way you're setting and altering the variable, if not....... globals are really the way to go, and they give you far more control. 🙂

Hope that helped.


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"
Unless it involves pipeline of course. Bloody nuisance.

Well, I tried putting the ground on another layer, but that didn't work. Thanks anyway.

About the sword, the way I did it was that when you step over the event square that the sword is shown on, you are asked if you want to pick it up or not. If you say yes, then it gets rid of the event tiles over the swords and sets one of the globals. Then when you try to leave the area, it checks if that global is set and if so, it lets you through.


The wierd thing is that the maps that came with coldstone (Boberus city and the dragon cave) work fine!



Originally posted by Ironscythe:
The first is that the ground doesn't show up properly when I play the game.

In order to fix this you need to set the tile size to 96x96 pixiles in the create new map window (instead of the default 32x32).


(This message has been edited by rambler (edited 05-24-2002).)

I tried setting it to 96x96 but now the game quits and gives me an error message whenever it loads a map!


I tried putting the ground on it's own seperate layer now and it works!!! Thank you all for your help.


It's messed up again... The first two maps worked out fine, but now whenever I try to load the third map I made the game quits just after it finished loading the items. I've remade the map twice but it still doesn't work.


try copying boberus city and remaking that map to what you want. It seems to work the best if you cant seem to make your own map.


It's not that I can't make maps. The first two worked out fine. I just can't figuere out why the next ones quit when I load them.



Originally posted by Ironscythe:
**It's not that I can't make maps. The first two worked out fine. I just can't figuere out why the next ones quit when I load them.


OK, this problem occurs when you don't have a Player Map Position set (when teleporting). It's easily correctible, just make sure that your move event has a map position (set before the teleport) event..

If however this is a problem with simply moving from one map to another...... I'll have to wait and see whether that is the case, and then try to duplicate it.


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"
Unless it involves pipeline of course. Bloody nuisance.

I made sure that there was a set map position event included in the moving, but it still quits.


I had the same problem, when you created the map that keeps crashing you game - make sure of the color depth of all items on the map - if any of them are not 16 bit color with pct extension file it can cause a crash - the game tries to find the map within those parameters and when it can't it just shuts down.

Squak - the seal
makes the noise not
the approval

(This message has been edited by Squak (edited 05-27-2002).)

How would I do that?
