Changing tiles

Is it possible to use the tiles that came with the game to lay a map out while i am making some, then just replace the files in the folders to reflect the change? I'm assuming this will also work with the player, NPC's and monsters as well. Thanks,


Probably not.

"... For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause..." - Willaim Shakespeare, Hamlet


Originally posted by dampeoples:
**Is it possible to use the tiles that came with the game to lay a map out while i am making some, then just replace the files in the folders to reflect the change? I'm assuming this will also work with the player, NPC's and monsters as well. Thanks,

Yes, it would, as long as the replacement files are all named exactly the same as the original files, and are placed in the exact same directory. Coldstone reads the image files externally until the game is compiled, and only then does it actually internally compile the data. Otherwise, replace the files and change things as much as you like. 🙂


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

Cool, now I gotta learn to draw... I guess the hardest thing to do now would be to make the images the same size so that they don't have gaps. Thanks for the help.
