First Full Scale 3rd Party Coldstone Game!

Attention, all!Ladies and Gentlemem, on behalf of Moonlit Studios, I
present Realms of Darkness. Not only the first full CS
RPG outside of PoG, it is also the largest! Weighing in at 8 classes, 6 races, 7
idealogies to follow, and 5 different governments to do battle for, it's
limitless! (theoretically)
Featuring a real turn-based battle system, made possible by
our immense scripting, along with multiple characters, it'll blow you away!
Over 200 quests per government. Over 100 pages of text. Over 80 hours of
longlasting gameplay (according to the testers), don't miss the
soon to be released epic!

It will be put up for download as soon as the server gets online.

"I believe in the sun, even when it is night. I believe in love, even when I do not feel it. And I believe in God, even when he does not reveal his prescence."
-A survivor of the Holocaust

Very, very funny Celchu! I wouldn't have seen it without assistance. I wonder if other people will get it. 🙂

Oh yes, of course , Realms of Darkness, by us Moonlit Folks will be released soon. Please, just send either your credit card details, or $10 in cash to my address, and I'll send you a cd. 😉


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"

(This message has been edited by Tarnćlion Andiyarus (edited 04-01-2002).)

Yeah, I did all the art, too! Using my l33t dr4w1ng sk1LLz! w00t!!w00t!!w00t!!


Originally posted by Celchu:
**Attention, all!Ladies and Gentlemem, on behalf of Moonlit Studios, I
present Realms of Darkness. Not only the first full CS
RPG outside of PoG, it is also the largest! Weighing in at 8 classes, 6 races, 7
idealogies to follow, and 5 different governments to do battle for, it's
limitless! (theoretically)
Featuring a real turn-based battle system, made possible by
our immense scripting, along with multiple characters, it'll blow you away!
Over 200 quests per government. Over 100 pages of text. Over 80 hours of
longlasting gameplay (according to the testers), don't miss the
soon to be released epic!

It will be put up for download as soon as the server gets online.


::hurls brick::
April Fo---

Download my current game 'Tandum- (*)' on my site at (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...llrx/index.html(/url) go now
Posted Image