attn: EMINEM

EMINEM, I highly suggest that you stop harassing people on these and the other web boards, and that you start being a bit more respectful and contribute to the community rather than drag it down with nonsensical and mean-spirited postings.

This is your last warning; you are inches away from being banned from the web boards due to numerous complaints I've received about you. You can continue on in the parasitic manner and be banned, or you can shape up and stay -- we'd love to have you stay, but only if you change your ways.

However don't mistake me: if things don't change, you will be banned without a second thought.

Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.

Whoah. That's a bit harsh but I aggree that Eminem should shape up.

Give a man a match and he'll be warm for an hour... Set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
-Polaris Confederate Recruitmant Theme

I wouldn't say that's harsh at all. If I had my way, he'd be gone already.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.

Stop Exploding you cowards!

It's not harsh. It's a statement- shape up or leave. Perhaps now Eminem will actually listen. I fully support Andrew here.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy


Originally posted by Sundered Angel:
**Perhaps now Eminem will actually listen.

Has he done so in the past? If he did then this topic is just a figment of my imagination.

Oh, I'm not saying those Alduran ships are bad. In fact, they make excellent minesweepers. Once.

-Orion Axis General Marxx

i just thought id post here seeing only the moderators have posted here. I agree that eminem should shape up, but permaban is a slight bit harsh....


If it is too could just ban him for a month or so as a "warning ban" and then perma-ban him if he doesn't change.

Just a thought...


I'm willing to bet he'd post an "I'm back" topic.....

Oh, I'm not saying those Alduran ships are bad. In fact, they make excellent minesweepers. Once.

-Orion Axis General Marxx

Avatara has a good point there. Tempban him first and if that doesn't work, permaban him.

I would also count on an I'm Back topic

You shalt not defeat me for I am the Master Mage.

If we did it that way, we'd just be going through this fiasco again in a month, which seems rather pointless.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.

Stop Exploding you cowards!


Originally posted by Laguna:
**If we did it that way, we'd just be going through this fiasco again in a month, which seems rather pointless.

But still, I've learned from experience that many people in the current culture only listen if the threat actually comes true. And if he does post a topic of spam, he can be permabanned.


Well: consider this eminem is banned from gr. If he gets banned from the boards he will be completely cut off from the ares community for a month or two. That outa shutem up.


This is not EMINEM-specific, but just a suggestion on banning in general.

What if there was no permaban? In it's place, you would have a "doubling ban" that would double on every offence. For example: You spam a topic. You are banned for a week. You return, only to swear, and make offensive posts. You are benned for two weeks. You return, only to spam some more. You are banned for four weeks. You return, only to make offensive posts again. You are banned for eight weeks. So with four offenses, you are already banned for about to months. And you are always given another chance, although at a minimal codt to the community. Perhaps the starting punishment, or the increment could be tweaked, but I think that this could work.

"Then enemy gate is down"
-Ender, "Ender's Game"

Well it looks like i have my shar of enemys and i could probebly dig up more spam that either Mag or slug created and no offence but due to my changing ip and my differnt computers you could not ban me:P though i am not trying to provoke you or any thing like that and just to day this Sarg: I swear i never said that i was in the Axis and i never will say it and i never would ever join it but please you make fun of me alot see look how many times you made fun of me in this topic or harrased me.
And slug: I bet you where the one that told him so dont say"thats alittle harsh"---oh wait slug you supported me here im sorry and i think that its quite good all the people that i thought where my enemey never riducualled me and. And pryo this is personall i can have you kicked out of the ECA and i know as a result of this you will probely quit and geuss what i have no idia why you are so mad at me.
P.S. Slug and Mag i am sorry for what i said earlyer in this topic.
P.P.S. Why oh why do you hate me lag? You didn't hate me befour you became a mod!
So i appoligize for what you said to me but i am upsetted bey this topic espeacally at Pryo.
Hey tyrel! you spam me in GR and i never raze a fingar.
Well i am 21-0 on Scratching post:me human, them eiter Cantharan Human Ishiman Giatori

Mag Steelglass i like him ok slug?

bursts out laughing
Eminem: sorry thats not about anything personal about you. First of all if you kick me out of ECA i wont really care. Ill kind of laugh and the most trouble youll put me through is changing the thought for the day on my r6 servers. Also ill have to explain to viper and the rest why im not in ECA any more. I have to apoligize if I find out that I hold more sway than you do 😛 And second of all I dont want you perma banned. Go bother people that have more hatred towards you.

P.S. Andrew hold little sway in gr

P.P.S. i am probably the one expressing the least hatred towards yuo in this post (well excluding andrew) i was simply posting my opinion. I would think ECA would have chosen better leaders than to kick people out becasue of personal quarels. ECA is dying think about it...

(This message has been edited by Pyro (edited 10-02-2000).)

I don't piss off easily, Eminem, but sometimes you just do. I don't really know, but sometimes it seems you have the innate ability to piss people off. I'm not your enemy, man, and I'm sorry if any of my posts have offended you.

I'm just trying to be neutral in this conflict, hence the term "moderator"

Oh, I'm not saying those Alduran ships are bad. In fact, they make excellent minesweepers. Once.

-Orion Axis General Marxx


Originally posted by EMINEM:
**Hey tyrel! you spam me in GR and i never raze a fingar.

That's not me. I apologize if it causes you harm, but I'm not the only one who has access to my account. frowns menacingly at his brother

For some reason, my reputation is being wrecked by siblings. Just try to ignore it.


Hah! I have never posted spam (at least, none that I can remember)! And it was only Slug's first five or so posts that were spam. He quickly learned. I suggest you do, too. And about you not raising a finger on GR when Tyrael spams, I just can't stop myself from laughing. You should play yourself on GR somehow. You would probably be surprised at how much of a pain you are. You're constantly spamming, whining, and trying to cheat people out of everything. It's just pathetic. I couldn't care less if you got permabanned.

"I can ail what cures you."

told ya you got people who hate you worse than me.
oops baaaaaad spelling 🙂

(This message has been edited by Pyro (edited 10-02-2000).)

I've just changed my mind, Eminem.
After that conversation I had with you on GR, I've decided I do hate you.

Oh, I'm not saying those Alduran ships are bad. In fact, they make excellent minesweepers. Once.

-Orion Axis General Marxx