Could someone please walk me through this:

Let's pretend that I'd like to add a boulder to the world of POG. Let's pretend that
a boulder would look nice on the world map L06 at coordinates (119,60). The rock would
be roock001.png in the Forest_objects directory.

How would I go about doing this?

I've attempted thus far creating an event that does the following(none have worked, btw):

  • change the map cell to the boulder picture(this causes coldstone to crash)
  • add stamp of the boulder
  • add foreground stamp selection
  • add background stamp selection
  • redraw screen after adding a stamp

And after creating the event(above) I have listed in the plugin load calls to call the event when the map L06 loads. (and I know the map is correct because I can add NPC's to the map just fine)

I really hope I'm just not doing something right here. But I honestly don't know what
it is. If someone could walk me through the steps to do this I would very greatly appreciate it.


Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.


I can't be very helpful, as I haven't tried it, but some thoughts:

Adding a stamp should be the way to do this - changing the map cell would only be the way for background tiles like grass, water, or road.

(119, 60) - are those tile coordinates or pixel coordinates? Recall that map cells and NPCs use the one, while stamps use the other. If you've got the wrong coordinates, maybe it's just being added to the wrong spot on the map?

"A scientist can discover a new star, but he cannot make one. He would have to ask an engineer to do it for him."

The coordinates would be the tile coordinated I believe. Whichever coordinates you
get by using the debug option. If stamps use pixel coordinates, how do you find those?
Since this is a plug-in, and POG hides its maps, I can't just open the map in the map
editor and look it up...

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.


Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
**The coordinates would be the tile coordinated I believe. Whichever coordinates you
get by using the debug option. If stamps use pixel coordinates, how do you find those?
Since this is a plug-in, and POG hides its maps, I can't just open the map in the map
editor and look it up...

Keep into account that walking tiles should be 3232 in PoG (while ground tiles are 9696). The "debug" coordinates probably are PlayerX and PlayerY which are walking-based. Thus, multiply the coordinates you get from the debug window (btw, you can modify the debug event to show you other infos as well) by 32, subtract 32 from both, and you'll get the (top,left) coordinates of the 'cell' you are standing on. These will be the number to supply to the "stamp" event.

Hope this helps,



Thank you both very much. I was indeed using the wrong coordinates. Using Alois's
forumula I was able to place the stamps in a way I could find. Then it was up to me
to tweak the location pixels to get everything aligned. Took quite a while but I was
finally able to get an outpost plugged into the existing POG map. wipes sweat off

Couple further questions though:

  1. Is there a way to have the debug info shoot out pixel coordinates(so I don't have
    to keep my calculator next to me and fired up)?

  2. Is there a M3TA-tag or scripting features built in? For example, in placing several
    walls as stamps on the map I needed to change the map cells to block the access(so people
    can't just walk through the walls). Since I knew of no other way around it I had to
    set each individual cell to blocked. Since the wall was straight north by south it
    would be nice to have a M3TA-tag stating "change all cells to blocked starting from x,y
    to x,y-z"

(edit because M3TA(with the 3 being substituted as an "E" showed up as **** and didn't want anyone to think I was asking for a profane tag, heh)

Once again, thank you.

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 02-04-2002).)

(This message has been edited by Stark Bledfast (edited 02-04-2002).)


Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:

  1. Is there a way to have the debug info shoot out pixel coordinates(so I don't have
    to keep my calculator next to me and fired up)?

Change the "Show debug info" adding the following (I assume that Temp0 and Temp1 are two global variables you've defined)

  1. Change Globals: set Temp0 to PlayerX
  2. Change Globals: Multiply Temp0 by 32
  3. Change Globals: set Temp1 to PlayerY
  4. Change Globals: Multiply Temp by 32
  5. Dialog: display "Position: &&gb;_Temp0, &&gb;_Temp1


**2) Is there a M3TA-tag or scripting features built in? For example, in placing several
walls as stamps on the map I needed to change the map cells to block the access(so people
can't just walk through the walls). Since I knew of no other way around it I had to
set each individual cell to blocked. Since the wall was straight north by south it
would be nice to have a M3TA-tag stating "change all cells to blocked starting from x,y
to x,y-z"

Alas, no... It would be nice, however, as well as having the possibility of entering variables in the "change map cell", "stamp control", "NPC control" as is for "Item wizard". Let's wait... 🙂

