a few predicted problems

1)spell programming: Can you do beam spells and limited area spells and missile type spells?
2)Spell types - are we limited to lightning, chemical, fire, natural and water (I think thats what they were called? I could change the names in resedit but I want to make new types. Maybe its a feature they didnt inckude in the demo.
3)NPCs - can you set them to wander indefinately?

  1. Ranged spells are possible, as are ones which affect all enemies within a particular radius of the caster. It's not possible to have a spell affect all enemies within a radius around an arbitrary point (a la "fireball").

  2. There are four elemental magic types (to which creatures can have differing levels of resistance) in Coldstone, plus the additional type called "magic" (to which nothing has any resistance). You can call them whatever you wish.

  3. If you mean just having them pace about at random (like NPCs in so many classic RPGs), yes.

"A scientist can discover a new star, but he cannot make one. He would have to ask an engineer to do it for him."


Originally posted by Glenn:
**1) Ranged spells are possible, as are ones which affect all enemies within a particular radius of the caster. It's not possible to have a spell affect all enemies within a radius around an arbitrary point (a la "fireball").


What if the spell is being cast by an item, via the "cast spell" action (spell wizard) triggered by an animation frame in that item? I had this idea for a bomb that would go off after a certain amount of time, damaging everything within the spell radius.



Originally posted by markborok:
**What if the spell is being cast by an item, via the "cast spell" action (spell wizard) triggered by an animation frame in that item? I had this idea for a bomb that would go off after a certain amount of time, damaging everything within the spell radius.


Then set up a spell(the bomb spell), with the radius and animation etc info in it

set up a timed event using the timer feature,
(here's where you can get creative, this is just my route to the goal)

and set up another spell a 'conduit' spell
(meaning it does nothing but cast the bomb spell, using the when cast event presented to you)
that casts the bombs spell.

have the item cast the 'conduit' and bam. time bomb city

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Originally posted by Paddy Perring:
**2)Spell types - are we limited to lightning, chemical, fire, natural and water (I think thats what they were called? I could change the names in resedit but I want to make new types. Maybe its a feature they didnt inckude in the demo.

Don't use ResEdit, because it doens't matter. The names of them in the Coldstone editor have nothing to do with what they are called in the compiled game. That is completely up to you. All you need to do is edit the game dialogs' pictures (you do that via one of the tabs in the game options window), so that the names are whatever you want them to be.


Experiences = Integrate( Life, {t, birth, death} )

but can you add new types?

I love cheddar!!!

Coldstone has exactly four types of magical damage which can be resisted, plus one type which cannot. You cannot add any more than that, but you can of course use fewer. You could perhaps create the illusion of more by either having types that function equivalently (perhaps cold and water spells have equivalent effects on all monsters?) or by having mutually exclusive ones (if the player never uses dark magic, and enemies never use holy magic, you could have the player's holy magic and the enemies' dark magic actually be the same magic type).

But no, you cannot create additional magic types beyond those already existing.

"A scientist can discover a new star, but he cannot make one. He would have to ask an engineer to do it for him."