Sarilian: HI
Sarilian: done reformating your comp?
Sargatanus: Hi.
Sargatanus: yes.
Sarilian: ok
Sarilian: u have ares yet?
Sargatanus: Yes, but GR isn't working right.
Sarilian: oh
Sarilian: u have res-edit
Sarilian: i can fix it
Sarilian: just open it
Sargatanus: I'm not banned.
Sarilian: no
Sarilian: change
Sarilian: the Ares form1.0.2
Sarilian: to1.2
Sarilian: because thats what it thinks u have right
Sargatanus: I know that. GR isn't working right.
Sarilian: ok
Sargatanus: And I'm also talking to Slug right now, so I'm going to have to let you go.
Sarilian: have u tryed re-d/l it?
Sarilian: wait
Sarilian: hes not on AIM yet!
Sarilian: it says he isn't
Sargatanus: Yes he is.
Sargatanus: Well, maybe you have a different account of his.
Sarilian: slug 1337
Sarilian: right
Sarilian: tell him that im anoying
Sarilian: HEY tell him that he ows me a game!
Sargatanus: I will ever include.
Sargatanus: Dammit, I was in the middle of a message to someone else!
Sarilian: sorry
Sarilian: HEY TELL HIM HE OWNS ME A GAME please mr admin sir?
Sargatanus: I did. Now leave me alone.
Sarilian: sorry sir
(Admins If u dont like this conversation then please get rid of it)
So if u hate EMINEM like Sarg And Slug then just spit it and hurt a rappers fealings and tell me how i can inprove my self
Mag Steelglass, an old friend who aild what cured me many times!
Kristina Agulara sucks!