Where can I get the MUSIC???

The music for this game rocks! Where can I get it?

Go to the Addons section.

"I can ail what cures you."

Play Ares! 🙂


theres a plug for it


Go to my site. I have all nine of the songs.

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

Someone has it in the addons section

Ok slug made a file with all the songs!
And Mag dont make me talk spam about u!

Mag Steelglass, an old friend who aild what cured me many times!
Enforce contest space blob!

Yah those were my files. Enjoy!

He who loves the law will either die poor or mad.
-Alduran Proverb

Yeah, I got the files. Listening to 'em right now, in fact. Anybody got 'em in AIF or WAV or MP3 format?

Because that would be, as they say, "Insanely Great".
