A couple of things that really piss me off...

Okay, well I'm not usually a very pissed off person, but there are a few Ares-realted things that piss me off, so I'm gonna write them down.

1. When I change from playing a game vith 1.1.1 to playing a game with 1.2b6, for some reason Ares decides it's a nice idea to delete my kills, and turn the sound volume down to zero. This irritates me. Every time I start a new game with someone I haven't played before, it's like "Oh, is this your first time? I'll go easy on you." This only makes the situation worse. I have played Ares for years. And just because my prefs get screwed and I don't spend day and night on GR people think I'm a newbie (not that there's anything wrong with being a newbie - if you are one...). I'M NOT, OKAY!!! So, can anyone help me fix this problem, or shall it be back to the chinese worry balls (or the bright red "tension sheet")?

2. Hyperbombing. This also irritates me. If you've nearly lost a game, at least you could do the decent thing and finish youself off in a barrage of fire rather than fly around like you're a bloody stunt plane and take the odd shot at your (incredibly more talented) opponent. It gets so tedious when your opponent doesn't come and fight.

3. The whole numbers for letters thing. l33t. It looks like "leet" to me, but somehow someone gets cool out of it. I mean, I can understand how sXe is "straight-edge", but l33t!? Give me a break!

Well I would continue with this but I believe it's a little too long already, so I'll spare you the pain. Sorry.


"I stand on a building and throw up my arms to the sky
I swallow my pride and admit that it's not always best to understand the reason why
It's just not the same when you wake up in the morning with a smile on your face
When you know you lied yourself to sleep to make it better"
-Mineral, "Slower"

3. The whole numbers for letters thing.

It reminds me of TRO-SPEK™ from the Myth online community... (what the hell does l33t mean anyway?)

Well I would continue with this but I believe it's a little too long already, so I'll spare you the pain. Sorry.

No, please, continue! I enjoy this.

A strange smell and a lot of cursing drifts up the shaft

answer for question 1:
Dont do it 🙂 1.1.1 and 1.2b5 are NOT compatible. Besides whats the downside of getting your reecord erased. It happenes to me to. I like it when ppl think im a newbie, they always get a not-so pleasent suprise. Ussualy my record sux anyways ex: 60-113. I like to play crazy odds and the likes ex: gatori vs aud.


Pyro, it's not that I play 1.1.1 vs 1.2b6, it's that I change which one I'm playing to play against my opponent. And it doesn't have a set of prefs for each version, it just deletes them every time! AAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!


yes i know i do it to. it also deletes my set controls. I REALLY HATE THE ARES DEFAULT CONTROLS!!!!!


You do?!? I used to set them up more like the ones on EVO, but I found that the Ares default controls were very good. I recently set my EVO and EV controls to something very similar to the Ares.

Anyway, I love the Ares controls.

"I can ail what cures you."


Originally posted by Toothpaste:
**3. The whole numbers for letters thing.

what the hell does l33t mean anyway?

No, please, continue! I enjoy this.**

L33t, or1337 as it is sometimes spelled, comes from Elite, from the quake community originally I think, TF I guess, because if you were a good say, soldier, then you were elite, right? so they added numbers 3l33t, then 31337, now 1337. So there you go. But I agree that it's dumb, and most mac users I know only type like that to mock it. I know this because one of my friends used to be a quake addict, and explained this whole business to me.

Did you feed us tales of deceit
Conceal the tongues who need to speak
Subtle lies and a soiled coin
The truth is sold, the deal is done
-Portishead, "Coyboys"

My AIM name is Slug1337 🙂

He who loves the law will either die poor or mad.
-Alduran Proverb

Thanks for explaining that to me there Newter. It's a good job someone has friends! Slug, you're now officially on my list of evil... errr... things.
Me and Tyrael were trying to figure it out today and we got something like if you type the numbers in on a calculator and then hold it upside-down it would say something. Okay, so we ended up with the word "Leei" but hey!
Also, just in case anyone here is infatuated with me and wants to know everything I do I just got new shoes and my lunch tasted good (yeah I know it's unlikely, but you've got to cater for minority groups, no matter how small...).

My god how goos (oops, not goose, good!) is no school for 2 whole weeks!

(This message has been edited by Punkster (edited 09-20-2000).)


Originally posted by Punkster:
Me and Tyrael were trying to figure it out today and we got something like if you type the numbers in on a calculator and then hold it upside-down it would say something.


Most males are.





Originally posted by Punkster:
**Also, just in case anyone here is infatuated with me and wants to know everything I do I just got new shoes and my lunch tasted good.


Are those the shoes with mud and tomato juice on them now? 😉


Heh, well at least I didn't get banned just for having a name like Tyrael...


Me neither :rolleyes:

He who loves the law will either die poor or mad.
-Alduran Proverb


Originally posted by Punkster:
**Heh, well at least I didn't get banned just for having a name like Tyrael...


Which was your idea... getting banned that is


Ya have to admit, it was pretty funny and it confused the hell outta Scott Kevill 🙂

He who loves the law will either die poor or mad.
-Alduran Pirate Motto

It was a great laugh...especially when someone said "Why is everyone Tyrael?"


(quote)Originally posted by Slug:
**Ya have to admit, it was pretty funny and it confused the hell outta Scott Kevill:eek:

Avatara goes insane


(This message has been edited by Avatara (edited 09-22-2000).)