[ANN] Coldstone Release 'Imminent'


Posted in CS Progress Log 29/11/01:
The Coldstone interface polishing is done. Both compilers (Mac/Windows) have reached FC status a week ago and still no bug report. The manual and the tutorial, updated. Even the "Tips of the day" are all done...

Well...... don't I feel stupid now? 😉

Ah well, it was fun while it lasted! 🙂


"Any good that I may do here, let me do now, for I may not pass this way again"


Originally posted by saphfire:
**Sooner than sliced peanut butter?


Now that would be interesting. --------------- I expect soon means no time before february. In both the peanut butter situation and coldstone.

(editted to fix anal-retentive things)
Cynicizm: February Release at best

(This message has been edited by Lorenoth (edited 12-02-2001).)