Party (More than one character?)

I am getting the impression through the progress log that you will not have a "party" (group of characters you control). Is it possible to adventure with a group? If so, how?


Originally posted by Tommo:
I am getting the impression through the progress log that you will not have a "party" (group of characters you control). Is it possible to adventure with a group? If so, how?

You are correct, parties are not supported in the current release.

We shall accept payment in a large briefcase. American dollar good for this purpose. LARGE briefcase, remember. -- forge

"Current release"? Are we talking betas here, or what? I didn't think Coldstone had been released yet...

(url="http://"")AOLTimeWarnerICQSportsIllustratedCNNAtlantaBravesHawksandThrashersDCComicsNetscapeHBO owns you.(/url)

Glenn has a point, don't make any assumptions until Coldstone is actually released.

Apple Computer - The name of microsoft's research and development division


Originally posted by DarkBlade:
**Glenn has a point, don't make any assumptions until Coldstone is actually released.


His assumption is correct, Coldstone will not have straight up support for parties.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...
"We find it hard to strike a good balance between reality and fun. The reason being? Reality is often not fun." - _pipeline


Originally posted by Tommo:
I am getting the impression through the progress log that you will not have a "party" (group of characters you control). Is it possible to adventure with a group? If so, how?

::materializes, 2 spheres gaze back at you in facetious disbelief::

:⭕ Really... , how did you ever deduce that young one...oh and thank you wise one for imbuing us with your mghty definition of a ::qoute/unqoute:: party,

::humoring you no more, the vision glares from the shadows::
as for "faking" a party you'll have todelve deep into the well of your ingenuity...

. .. S o S ays T he C hill Ą

::the wielder of the familiar gilded armament glints softly in the light of the shadow then dissapates::

(literary skills)

"I'm not imagining things, you bastards deleted my reply, may carpal tunnel befall you all"

(This message has been edited by chill_rx (edited 08-10-2001).)

::turn on your vcrs , folks this is a once in a lifetime moment, the preceding was a test and only a test of my (literary skills)

i was just practicing , do not flame, snuff that unearthly burn ( sounds like a hemorrhoid commercial 😉 don't it )

any way a spoon full of sugar and all that jazz (help me i'm out my gourd)

"I'm not imagining things, you bastards deleted my reply, may carpal tunnel befall you all"


Originally posted by chill_rx:
**::materializes, 2 spheres gaze back at you in facetious disbelief::

:⭕ Really... , how did you ever deduce that young one...oh and thank you wise one for imbuing us with your mghty definition of a ::qoute/unqoute:: party,



I think I'll just put this little quote in here :
"Now i remember why i used to flame you up, your attitude stinks and you are consistently downing the ideas and comments of others, pus you seem to stomp off on unrelated tangents. " (said by Chill)
...practice what you preach...
forgive me, this was off topic

"...But no matter, I’ve found you, and everything is going to be fine now..."

Get it back on track peeps or I'm gonna lock it.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...
"We find it hard to strike a good balance between reality and fun. The reason being? Reality is often not fun." - _pipeline


Originally posted by the Necromicon:
**Get it back on track peeps or I'm gonna lock it.


have you forgotten how many posts we have on whether or not parties are allowed?
getting "back on track" will only be a negative experience for most of us.

Perhaps Coldstone is nothing more than VaporWare...

Ugh. As if we even want to think about going there.

People who claim the sky is falling obviously aren't aware the earth is falling, too.


Originally posted by Lorenoth:
**Have you forgotten how many posts we have on whether or not parties are allowed?
getting "back on track" will only be a negative experience for most of us.


I know. What good would that be? Just tell the guy there won't be parties, and lock the topic, unless something else relevant appears.

Heh. I can too spell. Most of the time...
(see title)