Plug-ins wont work :(

When I try to use plug-ins they say to drag them into Ares (the apllication) and I do but all it does is put the plug-in icon over the Ares icon. Can anyone help a looser like me?

Somebody asks this question about twice a week or so. You need to be participating in the semi-public beta test for it to work. You need version 1.2.0b5 or 1.2.0b6, which you can only get from participating in the semi-public beta test.

"I can ail what cures you."

I don't think he's talking about that, Mag. I had the same problem with ß5. My advice is you delete 1.1.1, the origional version, and keep the beta version. Also, make sure the Ares data Folder and the Ares Net Scenarios folder are in the same folder as the Ares application.

Maybe I'm just wrong about what problem you are having. Please be a bit more specific.

I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Commodore za'Grom
After the capture of Earth

He has left!

'When you play with fire your gona get burned'
EM said about the Audemedon Gate ship well chasing Mags small vessal!