
How easy will it be to impliment global cheats? Like, for example, makeing the player have unlimited mana(spell points).
Also, once that is answered, you can post ideas for cheats and how they are activated and/or awarded. Note: this applies to easter eggs too.

My cheats:
umana - when entered into the cheat entry box(type in text of a cheat to activate/deactivate it), the player's mana will instantly be filled, and any spell cast or mana-draining ability used will not cost any mana unless the amount it normally needs exeeds the current maximum of the player.
nodmg - Makes the pleyer immune to normal damage and weak spells. Other types of damage will be reduced by 50%.
shocking - player's hand-to-hand attack will add an extra 10% electric damage.
chili - player's hand-to-hand attack will add an extra 10% fire damage.
brr - player's hand-to-hand attack will add an extra 10% ice damage.
stubbedtoe - player's hand-to-hand attack will add an extra 10% earth damage.
holycow - on first use, the player will recieve a charm that will cause any hand-to-hand attack to deal an extra 30% damage to very evil and undead.
meatcleaver - gives the player the spell "Meat Cleaver". When cast, Meat Cleaver will drop a meat cleaver on each nearby enemy. The meat cleaver will do 30-80 normal damage before resistance and weakness. If there are no nearby enemies, a meat cleaver will appear in the player's pouch. The item acts as a weapon that dissapears after 3 minutes realtime
extendableradioantenna - gives the player the ultimate weapon; the extendable radio antenna. The weapon deals 5% extra damage of each element, after it's impressive 100-150 damage. To top it all off, the item takes up only 2 spaces(size of a daggar) and as considered a concealed weapon(enemies treat you as unarmed when you are not in attack mode)

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two words that don't go together.
I'm finally out of marshmallows.
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)

A few more:


aolgun - gives the player a disc-launcher that fires an unlimited amount of AOL CDs. Each CD does 4-12 normal damage, then splits up into eight peices, each going strait out with a 45 digree distance between each piece. Each piece does 2-3 unstopable normal damage(even those immune to normal damage).
whereami - makes the player invisible until the cheat is turned off. While invisible, the player cannot be seen by enemies, but the player cannot attack either. This is usefull for sneaking around where you would normally be unable to even survive being(tons of powerful moster attacking you). Also, the player cannot cast offencive spells or talk to/transact with NPCs(no shopping), although ATMs work.
snowyriver - teleports the player to the First Area bonus stage, Snowy River. When turned off, the player is returned to the first town of the First Area.
poweroverwhelming - the player's damage is doubled, and they are immune to all normal damage, as well as immunity to weak and average level attack spells.
fusebox - the light level diminishes to an outdoor midnight light level(fuse box gets blown, lights go out). When turned off, light returns to normal. When it is dark, everything's accuracy is reduced by 15%. May be useful when running away from enemies or if your accuracy exeeds 100%.
mackenzie - makes the player immune to bad stati such as poison or paralysis.
idontcare - puts the player into god-mode. Players who have entered god mode do not gain any points, money, or experience, however they are immune to everything and kill everything in one hit and have an accuracy rating of 100% no matter what. When god-mode is turned off, the player loses 250 experience and 25% of thier currently held gold(not what it in thier bank account). Thier score is reduced by 50% each time they enter god-mode, and thier maximum health drops by 1 every minute of god-mode. Also, there will be a 70% chance of being unable to have a high-score for each time you use god-mode.
bzwmg2 - transfers all your currently held money to your account. If you have not set it up yet in the game, the cheat code will offer you to set one up instead. Note: BzWMG2 is short for "Buzy With My G2". (G2 is an older PowerPC)
legos - returns you to the first town of that area of the game and re-creates all the random dungeons(if there are any; otherwise everything is reset in the dungeons). This includes layout, monsters, bosses, treasure, etc.. Everything about random caves will be reset.
nowondering - All wondering mosters will no longer appear. only pre-set groups and all the mosters in random dungeons will stay.

It's not likely I'll use all, if any of those cheats. But they're interesting to see, nonetheless.

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two words that don't go together.
I'm finally out of marshmallows.
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)

Some of those are pretty creative. Got a good laugh. They should be easy to implement.

We shall accept payment in a large briefcase. American dollar good for this purpose. LARGE briefcase, remember. -- forge

squishy- 10% les damage from physical attack (i.e punch, stab)
wispywoods-10% more damage from fire, 20% les damage by water
chrono- invicibility (note: you can only use this before the 3rd dungen)
kirby- Get the spell Air Strike. You cannot get hit by pysical attacks but you cannot do them yourself.
mario- 5 more karma points
diddy- Opens next dungen
shyguy- Double speed
n64- adds the cheat menu (so you don't have to type 'em up all the time)
those are mine... I might not use the same names & i might make more.

i think i've had a smidgen too much pixie sticks for today...
Why did you only give me 1?

after finding the special item "Keyboard," you can get object info on it and then type the phrase "SINK THE BIZMARK" while in combat for the following effect:
a llama of immense proportions appears on screen, spins around 3 times chasing it's own tail (all the while clicking and sniffing madly), then proceedes to make a "burrah"ing sound in the direction of an enemy, rendering it not only devestated but demoralized as well.

Do not follow me for I may not lead. Do not lead for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me the hell alone.

Bobble - You might want to check with Nintendo before you use any of thier trademarked names. And you might also want to have a weapon(the KarmaStick) that whenever you kill someone with it, good or evil, you gain 1 karma.


karmastick - Sets everyone's karma exept yours up one point, including mods(they will then be susceptable to normal damages). You gain +5 karma and when mods attack you, you no longer lose karma from thier hits.
When the player finds the bonus item "iBook" in the secret frog level(in which a ton of giant frogs attack you with really big tungues), the player has a choice of one of three effects of it's use; open the file "mac_rules" to have every enemy who uses a mac to get online attack every enemy who uses a PC to get online, and vice versa(more macusers = PCusers die)
The file "System Folder" which is actually a virus that makes mods into normal members, and them puts thier karma at -9 so that they are automatically attacked by good NPCs. The virus will also make the player or whichever NCP gets thier hands on it into the admin. Andrew will them become a banned member from his own society(-10 karma, all the IPs he ever used banned).
Of the file "mouse.exe" which makes the NPC "Mouse" appear in every boss battle and attack the bosses. This NPC is invulnerable to insult-type attacks, though is affected poorly by joke-type healing. He is also strong agenst karmaslaps.

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two words that don't go together.
I'm finally out of marshmallows.
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)

I would think that cheats/easter eggs could be implemented fairly effectively through some combination of global variables, keyboard-triggered events, and a fair bit of careful event scripting. Although I think that a few of your listed ideas might not be feasible due to limitations of the engine, for the most part, I think you could do this.

Now, as to why you would want to include so many cheats... 🙂

Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding. - Albert Einstein
The loss of enemies does not compensate for the loss of friends. - Abraham Lincoln
The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. - Mark Twain

I hate cheats. :eek:
Why would you want to wreck a good game with cheats?

Until POG is out, Cythera is the greatest RPG ever (payout).


Originally posted by Beeblebrox:
**I hate cheats.:eek:
Why would you want to wreck a good game with cheats?


Because it gaves the player the choice of wrecking the game for themselves, and I will add secret bad sides to every cheat I add to my games. And there will be a cheat that requires both a privatly known entry combo that will bring up a box that you must enter a password into. If the password is correct, it will disable all bad side-effects of cheats(or renable them). This code will be known only to me, and those who I deem fit to know it.
I would suggest to other designers that if they add cheats, they make a down-side to siad cheats that may or may not be able to be disabled by the designer + associates.
And I'm sorry if this didn't make sense.

(url="http://"")Philosophical Mouse(/url), two words that don't go together.
I'm finally out of marshmallows.
(/backspeak)(/mindless rant)


Originally posted by Beeblebrox:
**I hate cheats.:eek:
Why would you want to wreck a good game with cheats?


I agree -- I have a strong dislike for games with direct cheats because they change the origional purpose of the game(I always thought it was funny that Blizzard gave you all their game cheats on a little read-me with their games...). However, I have an even stronger dislike for games without any Easter Eggs. An easy way to tell that you are playing a piece of mindless commercial drivel that has never felt the loving touch of a devoted and enraptured programmer is an absence of useless but hilarious Easter Eggs. It's the things that aren't essential that make a game worth playing.

Do not follow me for I may not lead. Do not lead for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me the hell alone.