
umm i know this will sound stupid but where is teh hera maunaul and how do you open it and with what? and if there isnt does anyone ahve the hera bible?

"Blast it, Rukh, Waht do
you think your doing?"

"I'm doing my job"

The Hera manual and Hera bible do not exist. The closest thing to either one is a thing called Hera_Reference.html, and it is in the Hera Documentation folder.

"I can ail what cures you."

eascuse my vulgar words Master Thrawn but there is no way i can read that at ngiht after bed time. oh wait maybe ill print it. thnaks

"Blast it, Rukh, Waht do
you think your doing?"

"I'm doing my job"

Really? Darn. I have some neat net levels in mind but since I can't really understand Hera I have to pester Slug with my ideas to get them in a plug. None of them are cheater levels and some are really cool, (ask Slug about the legitimy of my claim).

sigh :frown:


Yep. Avatara's ideas + Slug's hera mastery = One awesome upcoming plug (And I'm not talking about StarLance)

I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Commodore za'Grom
After the capture of Earth

heres an ever better one... has any one ever herd of 'Frozen Hart' well I asked Martin Turner(the guy from the EV webboard, And the creator of a very larg plug, called frozen hart!) well he said i could and i have allready imported all of the sprites(dont worry i haven't gaven up the Alpha to omega proget) and all of the sprites together (there are over 30 new ship sprites) and its 3.1 megs! thats a big one! And you can read about it in the olny magizean for Ares"the Galactic Gazette" witch will be premairing in the middle of this mounth All I have to do is interveaw slug over AIM and then I will have all of the Articals Typed up so I will be very busty in the nexted few days so if you dont see me then have no fear if i dont appear! Though on tuesday i make my triuphent return to game ranger! Till then my hart is frozen.

ITS HERE ARES WEBBOARD ONE HOTLINE(for more detales go to the topic called its here and read it)!
(if this Sarilian Carriers a-rocken dont come a-knoking)
(1-2-3-the devels after me-4-5-6-hes always throwing sticks-7-8-9-he misses every time)
(Devels Shack)
E I/I I II E I/Iлллллллллллsee i fixed it:)

I think almost everybody here has heard of Frozen Heart. If they haven't, they need to get it and EVO. Frozen Heart is an awesome plug... (dreamy smilie)

So, now there's six huge upcoming plugs for Ares. I'd better make sure Terran Wars is good, or I might get beaten out by Slug & company again (like between Iron Fist and The Rogue. :mad: )

Eminem, Frozen Heart sounds like it should be pretty good for Ares. Speaking of plugs that connect EVO with Ares, is anybody making an Ares plug for EVO? You could start with a human Transport or something... Maybe the Admiral could make one... But he's busy working on Ares 1.2.0. Bah. Oh well. The Ares engine is fine for Ares so far. 😄

I think it would be funny if all six of these huge plugs get finished and submitted on the exact same day. 😉 That would start a few interesting topics...

"I can ail what cures you."

I think the Axis is making an Ares for EVO.
And yes i love frozen hart, though i already have encountered some bugs, as well as brack thoughs and every singal sprite, except for some planets was translationable!

ITS HERE ARES WEBBOARD ONE HOTLINE(for more detales go to the topic called its here and read it)!
(if this Sarilian Carriers a-rocken dont come a-knoking)
(1-2-3-the devels after me-4-5-6-hes always throwing sticks-7-8-9-he misses every time)
(Devels Shack)
E I/I I II E I/Iлллллллллллsee i fixed it:)

Yes, we at Axis Software Integrated ARE making an Ares for EVO plugin. I'm doing sounds, shipyard graphics, outfit graphics, story and planet pics.

There is a screenshot of it so far... I'll have to scrounge around to find it again... grumble

O, and Mag, You'll probably finish Terran Wars long before Starlance is complete, but StarLance will still outpace ya 😉

_After the Alien wars, our civilisation was left in the stone ages. The core worlds were supposedly decimated, yet I cannot shake the horrible feeling that something has survived. _

-Polaris Confederacy Admiral Canaron,

As everyone knows, I've thrown my weight in with Sargatanus. But let me warn you- as of now that plug-in series is looking very, very good...

Ive got really good ideas, but my school work keeps me from ever understanding how to understand hera. If u want these ideas please tell me and i will email them to you. I dont really care about getting credit for any of the plug.


tomarrow im going to post a message from my school!
that was a stupid question

'When you play with fire your gona get burned'
EM said about the Audemedon Gate ship well chasing Mags small vessal!