I proved U all rong:

Thats right all of u, u said that i couldn't be done. But i did it!
I made a weapon that luanches out energy from another ship,a hostil ship.(though it doesn't take that ships NRG it just Makes a supply pack filled with energy pop out and come twords u and u can get it and i bosts your NRG) and feeds it drectly to u (but u have to catch it!) And all u have to do is fire one ofyour eapons(but not just any weapon it has to be The weopon entitaled NRG sucker) and then voella u have stolen energy from your opponets ship and u said it was impossable!

ITS HERE ARES WEBBOARD ONE HOTLINE(for more detales go to the topic called its here and read it)!
(if this Sarilian Carriers a-rocken dont come a-knoking)
(1-2-3-the devels after me-4-5-6-hes always throwing sticks-7-8-9-he misses every time)
(Devels Shack)
E I/I I II E I/Iлллллллллллsee i fixed it:)

We said it was impossible to make a ship of yours that fires energy at your ships. Your weapon steals energy, which is different. Although, that IS a pretty good idea, but I wont steal it. If you make any major plugs besides Frozen Heart, I suggest you implement that.

"I can ail what cures you."

Actually, mag, it isn't impossible to make you a weapon that shoots energy that your ships can use.

Just make it create energy blobs, yaddah yaddah, then change the energy blobs' create sequence so it reads the following


Viola! As soon as you shoot it, the energy blob becomes neutral and can be absorbed.


_After the Alien wars, our civilisation was left in the stone ages. The core worlds were supposedly decimated, yet I cannot shake the horrible feeling that something has survived. _

-Polaris Confederacy Admiral Canaron,

If u dont beleave then i can email u a one leveler that shows u!

ITS HERE ARES WEBBOARD ONE HOTLINE(for more detales go to the topic called its here and read it)!
(if this Sarilian Carriers a-rocken dont come a-knoking)
(1-2-3-the devels after me-4-5-6-hes always throwing sticks-7-8-9-he misses every time)
(Devels Shack)
E I/I I II E I/Iлллллллллллsee i fixed it:)

I believe you completely, Eminem. It's just that we said that something else is impossible: making a ship of yours that fires energy pods for your ships to use. Slug's idea is very, very close, although I think that it would only fire energy at enemy ships, and enemy ships can get it. If he made it change to player 1, it would solve the part about enemies being able to pick it up, but I think it will be a long time before somebody comes up with a ship that fires energy pods at your ships when they're in need of energy.

"I can ail what cures you."

NO thats not what i mean if u fire a weopon it makes energy pop out of an ooponates ship and u can get it here ill email it to u!

ITS HERE ARES WEBBOARD ONE HOTLINE(for more detales go to the topic called its here and read it)!
(if this Sarilian Carriers a-rocken dont come a-knoking)
(1-2-3-the devels after me-4-5-6-hes always throwing sticks-7-8-9-he misses every time)
(Devels Shack)
E I/I I II E I/Iлллллллллллsee i fixed it:)

Here's some money, go buy yourself a dictionary.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.

Stop Exploding you cowards!

I don't mean a weapon that sucks energy from enemy ships. I mean a weapon that fires energy at your ships, for them to pick up, and only when they are in need of energy. I have yet to see that, although I think it WILL happen someday...

"I can ail what cures you."

Did u check your male?
Get it cheaking the male?

ITS HERE ARES WEBBOARD ONE HOTLINE(for more detales go to the topic called its here and read it)!
(if this Sarilian Carriers a-rocken dont come a-knoking)
(1-2-3-the devels after me-4-5-6-hes always throwing sticks-7-8-9-he misses every time)
(Devels Shack)
E I/I I II E I/Iлллллллллллsee i fixed it:)

I checked my email. And your weapon is still not what I was talking about. I'm talking about a ship that you have with your fleet that fires energy pods at ships that are in need of energy. Your weapon creates little energy thingies that come off of their ship to mine...

"I can ail what cures you."

U like It?
And can u be my co-editor for my new Plug-frozen hart if u cant i want:
S. Andle
BUt your my first chouce!

ITS HERE ARES WEBBOARD ONE HOTLINE(for more detales go to the topic called its here and read it)!
(if this Sarilian Carriers a-rocken dont come a-knoking)
(1-2-3-the devels after me-4-5-6-hes always throwing sticks-7-8-9-he misses every time)
(Devels Shack)
E I/I I II E I/Iлллллллллллsee i fixed it:)

No. I'm working on StarLance.

_After the Alien wars, our civilisation was left in the stone ages. The core worlds were supposedly decimated, yet I cannot shake the horrible feeling that something has survived. _

-Polaris Confederacy Admiral Canaron,

Its an interesting weapon, although it has little tactical value. It would be interestng to experiment with things that are based off it but make different things come off enemy ships. And I can't work with you, because I'm making Terran Wars, and after that, Grolk Games...

"I can ail what cures you."

U like it i can send u the hera verson!

'When you play with fire your gona get burned'
EM said about the Audemedon Gate ship well chasing Mags small vessal!