What might the graphic dimensions be?(x,y)

What would the x and y dimensions be for individual graphics/sprites? 32x32, 28x36, etc.? I am just curious, and it would be helpful to know, so I can start with my graphics.

Idiot - A member of a large tribe, whose
influence in human affairs has always
been dominant and controlling.


Originally posted by Mouse:
**What would the x and y dimensions be for individual graphics/sprites? 32x32, 28x36, etc.? I am just curious, and it would be helpful to know, so I can start with my graphics.


Each individual frame of each sprite can be a wildly different size, if you want it to. Get to work! 🙂

“If a little knowledge is dangerous, where is the man who has so much as to be out of danger?” - T.H. Huxley


Originally posted by Glenn:
**Each individual frame of each sprite can be a wildly different size, if you want it to. Get to work!:)


Cool. So it could be 32x32, 28x36 or just about anything within certain peramiters?

Idiot - A member of a large tribe, whose
influence in human affairs has always
been dominant and controlling.

Yep, you could make it as big as you want, short of crashing your computer trying to load it.

Apple Computer - The name of microsoft's research and development division
Make sure you visit the Coldstone Hotline Server run by GlueBubble. The IP is:


Originally posted by DarkBlade:
**Yep, you could make it as big as you want, short of crashing your computer trying to load it.


<A mouse enters, then speaks.>
Cool. Same with animations?
<He waits for an answer...>

Idiot - A member of a large tribe, whose
influence in human affairs has always
been dominant and controlling.

Yep, same with animations. BTW, are you the Chill, mouse? No probs if you are, just want to know...

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

(url="http://"http://pub58.ezboard.com/bthehotdogstand")The HotDog Stand(/url) - The Movie Goers board.

<The mouse replies with a look of humor on his face.>

No, I'm not The CHill, but I really like the way he does his entry/exit.
Does anyone know where I could get a PPC real cheap? I don't mind Audio Problems...
It's 12:18 am here, and my sisters arrive tomorrow(actually, today), so I gatta get to sleep.
<The mouse logs off, then retires for bed.>
A member of a large and powerful tribe, whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controling
Cole's Law - Thinly sliced cabbage

(This message has been edited by Mouse (edited 03-23-2001).)

<A mouse enters, sets up a giant mouse-trap with barbs on it, then leaves. It has a piece of cotton on it for bait.>

A member of a large and powerful tribe, whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controling
Cole's Law - Thinly sliced cabbage

<A smelly rat enters the topic, goes for the cotton, and gets caught. It tries to wiggle free, but just then them Mouse appears...>

<The mouse takes the cotton from the pack-rat, then sets up Another mouse trap, and puts the cotton there as bait. The mouse then leaves.>

A member of a large and powerful tribe, whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controling
The new congressmen say that they're going to turn the government around. I hope I don't get run over again...

{Dusts off an eged topic}
I'm guessing by the screen shots that the graphics aren't grid-locked(beyond the locking to pixels, of course)? Of course they are locked to the pixel grid, but are they locked to a larger grid, like 8x8 or 16x16, something like that? Probably not, but I would like to know if they are as of now(I know, they can change).

Mouse's law: If you try to make a topic to spam in, you lose karma.


Originally posted by Mouse:
**{Dusts off an eged topic}
I'm guessing by the screen shots that the graphics aren't grid-locked(beyond the locking to pixels, of course)? Of course they are locked to the pixel grid, but are they locked to a larger grid, like 8x8 or 16x16, something like that? Probably not, but I would like to know if they are as of now(I know, they can change).

A map in Coldstone is divided in two entities: the ground and the layers. The ground is a fixed grid (you set its dimensions). The layers (sprite containers, flattened at runtime over the background) are entirely free (but you can set an option to "snap" the sprites to a grid).

Dee Brown
Coldstone Game Engine developer
Beenox inc. - (url="http://"http://www.beenox.com")www.beenox.com(/url)

Ok, another question(answer as of now, I know things will change):
The ground(grass, floor, etc.), is it a series of qicts, some ppat(color patterns), or something else? This does not include water edged, cliffs, etc., just the grasses and floors and whatnot.

Cotton Mouse to Mouse: Where do you want me to set up a topic in?
Mouse to Cotton Mouse: EV b&b.;
Cotton Mouse to Mouse: Ok. When?

The ground tiles are just normal graphics in the library, no different from a windmill sprite or an NPC picture (you just use them on the map differently) however, a ground floor that looks like hundreds and hundres of windmills would look a bit stupid.

Ladies and Gentlemen, as you know we have something special for you at
Birdland this evening. A recording for Blue Note Records...

Let's take it back to the concrete streets, original beats and real live MC's...

I think it would be a good idea to have a ppat for grass, wooden floors, etc, and then add frills to that terrain, or water/beds/tables/trees/etc on top of that ppat. Do you get what I'm saying?

Cotton Mouse to Mouse: Where do you want me to set up a topic in?
Mouse to Cotton Mouse: EV b&b.;
Cotton Mouse to Mouse: Ok. When?

Actually, that would make the game look very plain, and tile based. You can already do whatever you want with the maps with the unlimited layers you have access to, and graphics provide much more diversity than patterns do.



yeah, you can make tiny little tile sprites in Photoshop (or something lesser, if you have too...) pretty quickly and easily. they won't look that good (very 8/16 bit RPG...), but if that's your style then they'll load quicker than the dickens.

all you need is the rubber stamp tool, the offset tool, and about 5 minutes. you can make most repeating patterns quickly and easily. if you're looking for a random grass/whatever tile generator, then I think you're asking a bit too much.

individualy crafted and rendered maps (think Baldur's Gate) are the way to go if you want real pinaz, though they'll hog your loading time like a mother, force you to use CDs to distribute, and require at least some knowledge of computer graphics and geology/forestry to produce. but, if you've got the time/energy, they'll make your game all that much better. if not, the included PoG tile set is pretty good, ecxept for a few little problems with water and dead trees that might both be fixed before the release of CS.

Do not follow me for I may not lead. Do not lead for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me, either. Just leave me the hell alone.