Spell Casting

I am planning an interface for a future rpg known as "Journey to the Ten Worlds" at the moment, I was wondering about spell casting flexibility, i.e. if I can set up a hotkey system where you can open your spell book and assign a spell to a key like in the excellent (and unfortunately PC only) rpg called Nox. I was wondering if anyone has any clue about this?

I won't release any details of JTTW without the consent of the other people I am working with, and even if I had their consent I wouldn't say anything right now, except that we have the most absolutely cool, and probably original, spell system.

"Si hanc sententiam legere potes, tum es
et optime educatus et vitam non habens."

why don't you go resurrect the Spell Points vs Memorization thread?

"Time is unimportant.. to one such as I.."