If anyone wants to share there Hara Plugs then do it here

You can display your plugins here and also talk about future ones


Go to (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/Rowdy_Russ")http://www.geocities.com/Rowdy_Russ(/url) for my latest plugin.

It is no where near finished, but I thought getting to play it may just inspire a few people to help me out by creating new briefing pictures for the plug.

Go on visit the site - I made it in under 10 minutes during a lunch break!

"A person needs change. Without change something within us sleeps and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken." -Duke Leto Atreides (Dune)

Um, the stuffit file is corrupted or something. Expander 5.5 can't unstuff it...

"Do or do not. There is no try."

I have, I guess, a trilogy coming out in the distant future, and it is going to cross platforms into EVO (or EV3, depending on when it comes out). Only part one is plotted out though. But if the other parts are as long as the fisrt, than we're looking at a total of 180 missions! For graphics, I have been negoaiating with Meowix Design Studios (the guys who made EVO Magma in case you didn't know), but they're not sure about prices for dual platform graphics. It's going to be quite possibley the most ambitious third-party add-on project Ambrosia has ever seen.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

(This message has been edited by Sargatanus (edited 07-07-2000).)

Sounds great, but from previous experiance, there is only a 10% chance it will ever get done. Good Luck! I'd love to see another large plugin that actually has a planned plot. I do believe it will be good since most people advertising plugs or Ares scenarios can't even use correct grammar :D. With MeowX working on the graphics, atleast I know the graphics will be good.

"Do or do not. There is no try."

When Hera officially comes out, I'm planning on making a plug that includes multiplayer levels as well as 23 new single-player levels (2 are bonuses). It's supposed to take place right after Ares ends. It will have 126 (so far) new ships, stations, and natural objects. It should be big and nice, and have some completely new ideas as far as playing style is involved.

If I have some grammar errors, it's 'cause I've been awake very late and have gotten up very early for the last several days...

"I can ail what cures you."

Hehe. Great! Its nice to know there are several large upcoming scenarios for Ares. Oh, by correct grammar, I mean reasonably good. My grammar isn't all that great, but its better then some. By incorrect grammer I mean the inability to use the shift of comma key ;). Good Luck on your plug.

"Do or do not. There is no try."

Sure......A bunch of us in EVO are making an add-on that is definently the most ambitious. Its called A Thousand Worlds and literally has 1000 worlds in it. Well, now that I've taken away your bragging rights....

Really? Can EVO support up to 1,000 stellar objects? I didn't think it could. Anyway, I hope it has a decent plot. Good luck on it.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.


Originally posted by Sargatanus:
**Really? Can EVO support up to 1,000 stellar objects? I didn't think it could. Anyway, I hope it has a decent plot. Good luck on it.


I don't think there is a limit on stellar objects, but 1000 systems is the very max. However, finding interesting things to put in these systems could take a lifetime.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could devise it. We will line all our ships up and fly straight at the enemy death cannons therefore clogging them with wreckage.

Well actually there is about 15 of us working on it. Each one doing a major government. We have the EV random name generator so it'll stay original and we've got enough graphics and enough creativity to make the plot work. We just felt it would be better to have a more mission oriented plug-in rather than the traditional 2 main powers duking it out endlessly.

Uh, last I checke the "random" name generator only had a total of about 50 names in it. I set it to 100 and ended up with doubles.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

hey mag...

thats sounds like a cool plug. I want a copy of it if u make it. And by the way...

Whats rong withh speling an grammmmer erors. I do theem al the tim.



Plugs belong in the files section...

Pax - Drew Harry
(url="http://"http://www.axis.n3.net/")Ares Axis - axis.n3.net(/url)

"...they say that every five minutes someone dies in a car accident, but how often are there seven hundred and sixty one armless and legless corpses in one hangar?" - Terminal 2, Where are monsters in dreams, Marathon Infinity