Help (again)

Hello again,

It seems that I've gotten stuck on "The Left Hand" for about two days, now. The best I've been able to do is to kill the space station's shields (but not take it over) and create a stalemate.

I suppose this means I either need help on this level, or someone to tell me where I can get Ares 1.2 so I can install a cheat plugin. Either way...


Idiot Box

If you can read this, you don't need glasses...yet.

Don't cheat, just ask people here for advice. Thats what i did, and now i'm paying it back by helping out people with their questions. I can't remember what the left hand was... describe it.

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

"The Left Hand" is the level (I think it's 15) where the player starts out with a planet, a battleship, a carrier, and a HVD (which the player starts out piloting). The objective is to take a Sal. Station and the Sal. planet.


Idiot Box

If you can read this, you don't need glasses...yet.

Oh this is easy as pie. Destroy the station, but WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T FLY DIRECTLY OVER IT!!! This triggers the bigarse ships to enter the feild of play. This gives you an advantage, build cruisers and attock the planet. If you want resources take the station, but pilot the assault transport yourself, so that you don't fly over the station.

Good luck.

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Actually, I beat this level following these exact steps:

1. Make all your ships escort you, the Ishiman HVD

2. Build 2 cruisers and a gunship, all escorting you

3. Warp around the station all the way to the enemy planet

4. Once you get there target the planet and build cruisers as you fight

5. Once you have adequate forces at the enemy base, make two cruisers escort you (The Ishiman HVD if it hasn't been destroyed yet. If it has, just go in a crusier) and head back towards you base a warp. Once you get there destroy any enemy ships in the area

6. Build a transport targeted at your base, transfer control to it, and make the cruisesr you came with and your HVD escort you.

7. Target the enemy base, start building cruisers, and go AROUND the enemy base

8. Once you get near to it transfer control to you HVD and let the transport land on the planet.

Thats how I beat that level. Hope my advice helps!


Just go straight to their planet in the very beginning. You have a nice little fleet, and they only have a cruiser or something like that.

"I can ail what cures you."

That works too.

"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-