Blacked out shielded Ship?

How to kill the guardian of the green switch?

Hello there.

I've tried and tried, but it's just very hard to find a black on black target. Is there any way to draw that big bad ship out of the dark where I can see him (and blast him)???

His pals are no major issue, but he is very tough. Are missiles the way to go? I do not have the wave yet. The wave is guarded by a green-powered blockade, and I can find no other green switch in the entire game!

Thanks in advance!


Try to discover and complete the other areas as good as you can, then you should have less problems with the wave and the black level part.

Maybe it's time to venture into the forest for something other than a flyby to get back to the blacked out part of the Wasteland?

But I HATE the forest. It's all spinny and annoying.

OK, done whining. Thanks.