Project Multi Sketch

@silverwind, on Mar 5 2007, 04:50 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

I just spotted a mistake I made in area 1, I forgot to make the Metal Plates next to the Save Zone Ring solid. Do you think you could fix this when you get the chance Cheleball? It'd be most appreciated.

Consider it done ('cause it is).

Cool, thanks Cheleball!

Also, this is my 100'th post, hurray!

@silverwind, on Mar 5 2007, 04:51 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Also, this is my 100'th post, hurray!

Congrats! I reached 67! GO ME!

@cheleball, on Mar 4 2007, 08:58 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Well, I'm about 40% done with my section. The map is up to 464k...Although I don't think it'll be any more than around 550k when I'm done with it--I did some, ahem, sprite-heavy things in the first areas.

550kb for 20% of the total map? This could get very impressive in size, and throws an interesting light on a quote I just found from Zacha Pedro from shortly after the game's release (note that I am not intending to imply in any way that the size of this map should be limited):

@zacha-pedro, on Dec 10 2006, 02:27 AM, said in Suggestion for Multiplay Co-Op (and one in general):

I asked Lars, and he told that maps should scale well, since everything that's too far away from you is culled out and not drawn, moved, or considered for collision detection. Of course, I hope you will stop before doing multi-megabyte maps...

@silverwind, on Mar 5 2007, 02:51 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Also, this is my 100'th post, hurray!

@dogbert, on Mar 5 2007, 04:59 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Congrats! I reached 67! GO ME!

I and my 1762 posts are suddenly starting to feel very old... :unsure:

Edwards Quote-Gatherer

Temple of the Pen (880 KB) noticeably slows down when run full screen in 1024x768 resolution. That's why I play in a window at 800x600. Admittedly, I'm using a 400 MHz G4

Well don't take "multi-megabyte" too literally, for one it was taking the built-in maps as reference, and due to the base64 encoding SketchMaps are 33% bigger, and then I've not really tested bigass maps (if only because the lack of saving would have made them a nightmare).


Congrats! I reached 67! GO ME!

Also, this is my 100'th post, hurray!

Hehe, considering when you signed into these forums, that's plenty.

This post has been edited by FireFalcon : 06 March 2007 - 02:41 PM

I'm not going to have much internet access for the next week, so if I don't post within a day or so of Section 2 being done, GSN can take over Section 3, and you guys can do whatever you want with the Ship 2/Homing arrangement.


Section 2 is in final testing right now. I've asked Silverwind to do that, and unless he finds things that need to be fixed, he'll probably release it directly.

Still, it's done enough so that you can see it and start your area. I recommend that you build it in a separate file anyway to be merged in on completion. The project currently weighs in at 740K, and the editor is reaching the annoying point on my computer. Also, if you do it that way, we can update the release version without affecting your efforts.

Sorry to bloat the size, guys. My area is not all that big, I just used a hojillion sprites to make it. I didn't anticipate that consequence when I set out to do it, I just thought, " pretty..."

I'll take the liberty of PMing you the file. I hope Papa Silverwind doesn't mind.

The fantastic Area 2 is now available for download.

If Edwards doesn't mind, it would be convenient if GSN took charge of Area 3 and used the original Upgrade of the Dual Fighter Edition Ship Upgrade. This would keep the weapon distribution constant, instead of having two weapons in a row and a gap before the third. But it's entirely up to you guys, so let us all know when you can.

So it's my turn now? I'll put in a wee area with some hot stuff, a mini-boss, and ship 2.

I don't think it's going to work for everyone to do an area for this level. Once you get above 1 MB things get unbearable, both in the editor and in-game.

We can work around the editor with SMM. But in-game? How does it slow down in-game? I mean, besides the delay every time the map gets loaded of course.

Trust me and GSN on this one, a big map slows the game. If the map were to double in size, it might become more noticeable too. However if the slower gameplay starts posing a problem there's no need to despair, the level could be done in two parts: Project Multi Sketch Part 1 and Project Multi Sketch Part 2, 🙂 I doubt it will come to that though. What I'm worried about is when it gets a bit bigger I won't be able to post it in this topic for download, TCOC has already become too big to send to the BETA testers. :wacko:

Oh yeah: GSN, your two weeks start now. Happy editing, oh Pen Temple building person.

Huh, go figure. This would have been a good reason to limit the size people can build in. As Chief Perpetrator of Large Areas, I would have benefited from the restriction more than anyone.

Sorry again for bloating the size...I hope you find the area worth it, though!

I also don't think a two-part scenario would be the end of the world. Games used to come on multiple CDs (and before that, floppies) due to technical limitations, and this is no different.

Do not apologise for making such a magnificent area that would make a fine level on it's own! You have contributed an absolutely huge amount to this project. ^_^

Hmm... If a few others think positively about this two part idea, we might just go ahead with it. Assuming there will be a need of course, which remains to be seen.

When a map is at 1.2 MB it is nearly unplayable on my computer.

EDIT: Cheleball, I am unable to play through your section due to extreme FPS death.

This post has been edited by gray_shirt_ninja : 10 March 2007 - 10:11 PM

Due to the file size of Project Multi Sketch being a whooping 740 KB, a new file will be created named Project Multi Sketch Part 2 and the old file will be renamed Project Multi Sketch Part 1. A new "Part" will be added to the project whenever a file reaches approximately 700 KB, though this may vary to suit the overall Area layout.

GSN, you have already finished your area in Part 1 but you're most certainly welcome to remake your area in Part 2 instead if you want. If you do decide to remake your area in Part 2, you can take control of area 3 again, since you only used up one day of your alloted time period. Also, your time period will be reset, as it was my fault you used up a day of time by not announcing the new method for the project. Sorry if I've caused any inconvenience to designers, but I only thought of the method two days ago.

By the way guys, having the project in multiple parts has it's advantages. One of the best advantages being that you can change the music, a feature which no other custom levels can have. Also, it would be somewhat like having the proper save function from solo mode, rather than a checkpoint version of save. I'm sure there are other things that will be cool about it too, and if anyone thinks of any please post them here for all to see.

Note: The distribution for Stars has changed. Changes are until further decision.

Okay. Delete my area from Part 1 and I'll start Part 2. Is there a file I should start from, or should I just start a new map?