Project Multi Sketch

Submitted! :laugh:

Well guys, it's been a great 9 months, and I'm honored to have worked with all of you on what I can doubtlessly say is the greatest SKF custom map set ever! 😄 Congratulations to all of us, who stuck it through and saw the project completed. Well done.

So, how long before the TC is released Ed?

Yay! SQUEEEEE! party favor noises

Man, when I argued for greater time allotments, I didn't realize it would be 9 months! It seems like forever ago that I made my area. Still, I think the project is vastly better for it.

Good job everyone and congrats on a great community achievement!

PMS 2 anyone? W/the option to make custom graphics for your area? Edwards would have to share the procedure for adding additional texture files for that to happen.

Imagine the bosses we could make if we could draw them...

Yay us! We rule!!

gives root bears to everyone

If we did a PMS2 (Snicker) I would almost definitely participates, though i dunno what i'd do with custom assets. The only thing i've done in the data files (other then trying to change the beam sound) is replacing the First Ship with a BTTF-Style DeLorian, which, while amusing, isn't really that mush use in designing a whole new set of levels. But hey, why not! Could be fun!

we did it! fireworks

I also would contribute if we did a pms2. Although im not very good at doing custom graphics. Maybe pi can show me next time i see him.

lol! The files been up for like, 2 hours and already you're starting the next one! 😄 I'd definitely participate, but I think someone else should organize it this time. Ed did more organizing than me in the second half of the project. ^_^

@silverwind, on Nov 29 2007, 01:44 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

😄 Congratulations to all of us, who stuck it through and saw the project completed. Well done.

Yay! This certainly lasted longer than I expected, but the final product is certainly worth the wait.

@silverwind, on Nov 29 2007, 01:44 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

So, how long before the TC is released Ed?

Well, I have some sort of bug in the final area that will be a royal pain to fix, as I think that it's an Extra2 conflict with some reserved Extra2 values. I also have the super-secret and perhaps ill-advised addition to finish up, although I think that will only take a few hours. I also have finals and final projects for the next two weeks, so it will probably be done around Christmas.

@cheleball, on Nov 29 2007, 03:49 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

PMS 2 anyone? W/the option to make custom graphics for your area? Edwards would have to share the procedure for adding additional texture files for that to happen.

Imagine the bosses we could make if we could draw them...

And if you could set up custom scripts. Come winter break, I'll restart work on everything that's been shoved onto the back burner, and see about actually releasing MapText, and some script/sprite editors based on the same design (or possibly attempt an actual GUI script editor, although that would be a fairly large project).

Anyway, I'd certainly work on a PMS 2, and might even be able to organize it if nobody else wants to. As a side-note, if the next version would be CAE-based anyway, it could easily work to have the map loop back on itself and require some backtracking to complete.

But enough of discussion of a sequel for now- we just released the first one.

*Joins the general celebration"


Project Multi Sketch Approved.

Now go download it. It's an order.

I'm stuck on Freq's area. (yes, I'm embarrassed to admit I'm just now playing through the later sections). The boss with all the electrodes is killing me. It's the electrode bug - it makes it extremely difficult to both dodge the mega turret fire and avoid getting electrocuted. (For those that don't know, the electrode bug causes the electrodes to only rotate a few degrees between zaps, and, consequently, spend a much shorter time between zaps as well.) I think I'm going to edit out all the electrodes just to get by it.

How's the TC Eds? I think I'll try and finish CAE 1.0.1 tomorrow...

@cheleball, on Jan 5 2008, 08:52 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

I'm stuck on Freq's area. (yes, I'm embarrassed to admit I'm just now playing through the later sections). The boss with all the electrodes is killing me. It's the electrode bug - it makes it extremely difficult to both dodge the mega turret fire and avoid getting electrocuted. (For those that don't know, the electrode bug causes the electrodes to only rotate a few degrees between zaps, and, consequently, spend a much shorter time between zaps as well.) I think I'm going to edit out all the electrodes just to get by it.

How's the TC Eds? I think I'll try and finish CAE 1.0.1 tomorrow...

Although being a bug, this boss area was designed to be played with the faster zaps. At least me thought it to be a nice challenge. 😛

@cheleball, on Nov 29 2007, 11:49 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Good job everyone and congrats on a great community achievement!

PMS 2 anyone?

I agree! Fantastic sketching! Only "bug" for me: small areas have too many sprites. Oh well...
I'd gladly help do a PMS II!
Anyway, fantastic job!!! 😉

EDIT: If we do a PMS II, who'll be the head of the project? Silverwind said someone else can do it...

EDIT2: When will we start? (You know, announcing it, letting others join that didn't already say so )

This post has been edited by Sidepipe : 09 January 2008 - 09:18 AM

@sidepipe, on Jan 8 2008, 07:11 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

EDIT: If we do a PMS II, who'll be the head of the project? Silverwind said someone else can do it...

EDIT2: When will we start? (You know, announcing it, letting others join that didn't already say so )

Hey, nothing has been decided yet!

@freq245, on Jan 7 2008, 10:23 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Although being a bug, this boss area was designed to be played with the faster zaps. At least me thought it to be a nice challenge. 😛

Pssht. You would. 😛 Me thinks I'm editing it down for pathetic little me.

@freq245, on Jan 9 2008, 06:01 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Hey, nothing has been decided yet!

OK, OK! I tend to get ahead of things...

Well, there's no reason why we shouldn't start accumulating members. Let's get a participant list going. I'm in! 😉

@silverwind, on Jan 13 2008, 10:15 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Well, there's no reason why we shouldn't start accumulating members. Let's get a participant list going. I'm in! 😉

Me toos! 😉

Edit: This topic is getting a little full... 335 posts?!? WoOt!
Edit2: By this I suggest: It's a good idea to start a new topic...

This post has been edited by Sidepipe : 16 January 2008 - 01:31 PM

@silverwind, on Jan 13 2008, 02:15 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Well, there's no reason why we shouldn't start accumulating members. Let's get a participant list going. I'm in! 😉

I shall also participate.


I'll join as well.