Project Multi Sketch

@silverwind, on Oct 16 2007, 01:58 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

So, how's progress on Area 10 Ed?

Very, very, very slow. On the plus side, I think I know what I want to do, and I have a pretty good idea of how to do it. I just need a weekend or two where I have no exam studying, no papers, no major class projects, and no big rush the previous week to recover from. Oh, and I need to work out just how to cause the destruction of the reactor.

Would people mind too terribly much if I took the last boss of A10 as mine?


@edwards, on Oct 17 2007, 07:11 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Oh, and I need to work out just how to cause the destruction of the reactor.

Reactor eh? Sounds interesting.

@edwards, on Oct 17 2007, 07:11 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Would people mind too terribly much if I took the last boss of A10 as mine?


Fine by me. In fact if nobody objects I'll design the first Boss, seeing as how I'm planning what I expect to be a relatively easy battle in comparison to everyone else's. 😉 I'm thinking of having a straight out onslaught with a twin SketchFighter. The player should have pretty much every weapon at his disposal by the time they reach Area 10, so I'll assign an equally dangerous array of weapons to the Boss.

Hopefully we can wrap PMS up by Christmas, (no present related pun intended) that way it can commemorate SketchFighter's 1'st anniversary!

Does anyone mind me using Extra2's 1100-1104 for my Area 10 Boss?


Actually, I only needed 1 Extra2 in the end, so I used 1100. (my original design of having radio controlled Boss shields went down the drain)

This post has been edited by Silverwind : 24 October 2007 - 04:46 PM

(sorry for triple posting, but nobody will be aware of the update if I don't)

Here's my Area 10 Boss: Attached File (7.36K)
Number of downloads: 4

It's not too hard after the first attempt. I beat it with full health without picking up any health packs on my 5'th run.

@silverwind, on Oct 24 2007, 02:51 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

It's not too hard after the first attempt. I beat it with full health without picking up any health packs on my 5'th run.

Trivial to beat with Wave, simple to beat with Homing, somewhat difficult to beat with Super Pellets, and extraordinarily hard to beat with Beam. Nice job balancing it!

In other news, here's another sneak peek at my boss arena:
Posted Image


@edwards, on Oct 24 2007, 07:03 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Trivial to beat with Wave, simple to beat with Homing, somewhat difficult to beat with Super Pellets, and extraordinarily hard to beat with Beam. Nice job balancing it!

In other news, here's another sneak peek at my boss arena:
Posted Image


Umm, wut? Is that a custom beam bullet? :blink:

Nice indeed Ed, but what amazes me most is the time! 7:48? How cool is this Boss gonna be exactly? 🙂

@cheleball, on Oct 24 2007, 08:52 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Umm, wut? Is that a custom beam bullet? :blink:

Yay! It seems that I set the ULTRA Cannon up as well as I'd been hoping!
It's an instant kill if you get hit, by the way.

@silverwind, on Oct 25 2007, 12:56 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Nice indeed Ed, but what amazes me most is the time! 7:48? How cool is this Boss gonna be exactly? 🙂

Nowhere near as impressive as it looks from that time- it takes a long time to get the cannon and the reactor coordinated such that they both appear onscreen at the same time that you take a screenshot. I suspect that the final version will take about a minute for the pre-boss corridor, and three-four minutes for the boss itself if you know what you're doing, although learning what to do may take a few attempts. At top speed, change that to about twenty seconds and a minute or two, respectively, although with a few deaths thrown in as well.

Incidentally, I'm taking Extra2s 1110-1119. Also, I'd appreciate it if nobody placed the Super Wave, as the player having it would make it harder for me to set up my Boss. The Super Beam and Super Homing guns are fine, though.


So, I'm crazy, and I just got a new MBP. I'm taking it on its maiden voyage as we speak. I want to stress test it, and see what it can do.

So, uh, Edwards, would you mind sending me that mondo SMM'd all-in-one version of Project MultiSketch you made? I figure that's probably a good test of SketchFighter performance on this machine. 🙂

@cheleball, on Oct 31 2007, 09:50 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

So, I'm crazy, and I just got a new MBP. I'm taking it on its maiden voyage as we speak. I want to stress test it, and see what it can do.

So, uh, Edwards, would you mind sending me that mondo SMM'd all-in-one version of Project MultiSketch you made? I figure that's probably a good test of SketchFighter performance on this machine. 🙂

New eh? As in new enough to have Leopard pre installed?

Not quite. I had to install it from the DVD that was in the box. 😛

Progress really is occurring on the final boss. Anyone want to test it out before I finish it up, particularly people with very good or very bad systems (the framerate is iffy in a few places, and I'd like to see how it does on other systems)?


Sure, I'll give it a swing if you like. I got 768 RAM, so... meh.

@edwards, on Nov 14 2007, 12:31 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Progress really is occurring on the final boss. Anyone want to test it out before I finish it up, particularly people with very good or very bad systems (the framerate is iffy in a few places, and I'd like to see how it does on other systems)?


Sure, why not? I still haven't gotten around to selling my old (1Ghz) Powerbook, and my MBP 2.2 is pretty good. I'd also be a good sounding board for difficulty, because, well, I suck at this game compared to most of you. 😉

So, I went and fixed the bug in my area reported by Edwards (namely, that a lot of the lights in the elevators have sprite type 2 (player) and explode before they can even be seen). It took about a minute to do, but then I realized that I don't have the most recent version because Silverwind has updated area 1.

In the end, I think it would probably be easier on everyone if someone who has the most current version fixes it. I've been so out of the loop on PMS and SketchFighter in general (there are a ton of new maps I haven't played, for example).

I'd be happy to fix it if someone wants to PM me the file or something, but I honestly think it would take less time for that person to just fix it themselves.


@cheleball, on Nov 15 2007, 11:04 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

In the end, I think it would probably be easier on everyone if someone who has the most current version fixes it. I've been so out of the loop on PMS and SketchFighter in general (there are a ton of new maps I haven't played, for example).

All right, the Area 2 lights bug has been fixed in my set of the newest versions of PMS.

Areas 3, 6, and 8 have not had any bug-fixes, and I currently do not have the latest versions of any of them.
Don't worry about having the latest area of whatever area yours is paired with- I'm going to be doing a lot of slicing and dicing anyway, so it's no trouble putting together the newest version from two files.


What are the bugs in Areas 4, 6 and 8? Are there more than a handful?

@silverwind, on Nov 17 2007, 05:38 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

What are the bugs in Areas 4, 6 and 8? Are there more than a handful?

I actually can't think of any bugs in Areas 3 and 6 right off-hand, but I'M not sure if I have the latest version of Area 6. For Area 8, the Wasteland-Factory door will re-close if the player dies in the TC version, which prevents them from getting the Super Pellets. Adding an Extra2 value to this door fixes the problem. This isn't important for the .SketchMap version, but I'd like there to be as little difference between the two versions as possible.


I think someone mentioned it was possible to get stuck between a super force field and a door in area 6 (my secion) it was the one at the mini boss area. Also i played through my area yestarday and the text sprite at the end that said "To Area Seven" was bouncing all over the place because it was scripted and it shouldnt have been. So my section has a few bugs in it. Also silverwind is it to late to update my section? If it isnt there are a few changes i would like to make.

This post has been edited by Dogbert : 18 November 2007 - 11:46 AM

@dogbert, on Nov 18 2007, 09:46 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

I think someone mentioned it was possible to get stuck between a super force field and a door in area 6 (my secion) it was the one at the mini boss area.

Ah, yes. That is a bug- try to have the force field accelerate the player all the way into the door.

@dogbert, on Nov 18 2007, 09:46 AM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Also silverwind is it to late to update my section? If it isnt there are a few changes i would like to make.

Go ahead. As long as you're making bug-fixes, the map will need to be updated anyway, so go ahead and add any non-bug-fix minor changes you want. If we're still aiming for a first-anniversary release, we have twelve days left, so it would be best if you could upload the updated version by noon on Wednesday so I can splice maps and re-build the TC over Thanksgiving break.

(EDIT)After the mess with the several versions of Areas 7 and 8 getting scrambled, I do not have a file that I can identify as the most recent version of Area 8 that PiSketch has worked on. PiSketch or Silverwind, if you have the latest version of Area 8 (don't worry about the Area 7 part), could you please send it to me?


This post has been edited by Edwards : 18 November 2007 - 04:50 PM