Project Multi Sketch

Yep, it's getting there. I'll have it done pretty soon.


...Unless i manage to get ahold of that copy of StarCraft.

In which case you won't see me for a month.


This post has been edited by PiSketch : 04 June 2007 - 06:13 PM

<< ... ^^ hehe, well as long as it's coming along.

Lol, yeah, it's coming along. I haven't abandoned you all.

off topic: NEW MACBOOK PROS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on topic: can't wait to see your section! Maybe you could post some screenshots?

This post has been edited by Dogbert : 05 June 2007 - 10:02 AM

I suppose i could do that...

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

awesome stuff!

Wow! Very nice stuff indeed Pi πŸ™‚

πŸ˜„ I ain't done yet... Though, admittedly, a lot of the coolness is in the Factory section right now.

Gets to work

Oh, BTW: I almost bought StarCraft on Monday. We went to the Best Buy after checking the site to see if it was at our local one, and it said yes, so we went. When we got there it wasn't on the shelves or in the back, so i'm assuming someone picked it up and hadn't bought it yet. Or stole it. Just thought i should let you know that you dodged a bullet. πŸ˜›


This post has been edited by PiSketch : 05 June 2007 - 05:21 PM

Looks at the last image and decides that he needs to work out some way to invert the "permanently closing wall" trick from his current map-in-progress.

Impressive work so far. I'm looking forward to being able to play this!

(EDIT) Figured it out, and I must admit that it looks cool. :ninja:


This post has been edited by Edwards : 05 June 2007 - 11:14 PM

Invert it? As in a permanently opening wall?

And thanks. It's moving along now, i'll be done pretty soon. I could probably have it done this afternoon, but i'd have to rush it and leave out a lot of the detail... So while i'm sorry that none of you can play it yet, it's only because i just can't let myself release a level without a certain amount of detail!

But no worries. it'll be out SoonΕ½.


EDIT: Good news, bad news. Good: I'm almost done. Just one section left. Shouldn't take too long. Also, school is finally over, so i'll have more time to devote to working. Bad: I'll also have more time to devote to my brand new copy of Starcraft. But don't worry too much, I will try my hardest to get this done soon.

Edeet: More good news! This time without bad news! I'm almost, almost done. I have one hallway to finish, then i'm DONE. Expect it tomorrow, unless camp leaves me totally wiped out.

This post has been edited by PiSketch : 12 June 2007 - 10:12 PM

Area 8 is on the way guys, soon we will bask is greatness... for the 8'th time.

Yep, it's on the way. Silver's testing it, i've sent it out. There were a few odd glitches that were tricky to fix, but I'm pretty sure it's all good now.


The main point of this post was so that Silver could post the file when he's done without DPing.

This post has been edited by PiSketch : 18 June 2007 - 02:53 PM

Area 8 is available for download. (finally!)

One hundred thousand billion apologies for the delay guys, which was entirely on my behave. I got the file but couldn't test it until the day after, and then had to test another one because Freq245 and Pi had updated it by the time I'd done mine, and then I found another problem where by a switch wouldn't work in Area 8, and then I realised that I still hadn't fixed the un-winnable glitch in Area 7. (gasps for breath) Well, here it is anyway. Enjoy! πŸ™‚

btw, I didn't exactly fix the un-winnable glitch in Area 7 Freq245, I just created a temporary work around. I got rid of the values to the doors in the Boss room and the Trinity Turbo Ship Upgrade, as the switch to enter the room causes the upgrade to disappear. You can edit this at any time if you wish and I'll can post an update.

The long anticipated Area 8 uses a terrific area to area system like Area 4, only keeping to the Solo Mode design. Apart from the delicious detail that fills every corridor Area 8 also boasts creative Mini Bosses and textures. (such as the command console) Excellent work Pi! πŸ™‚

@silverwind, on Jun 20 2007, 01:28 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Area 8 is available for download. (finally!)

One hundred thousand billion apologies for the delay guys, which was entirely on my behave. I got the file but couldn't test it until the day after, and then had to test another one because Freq245 and Pi had updated it by the time I'd done mine, and then I found another problem where by a switch wouldn't work in Area 8, and then I realised that I still hadn't fixed the un-winnable glitch in Area 7. (gasps for breath) Well, here it is anyway. Enjoy! πŸ™‚

btw, I didn't exactly fix the un-winnable glitch in Area 7 Freq245, I just created a temporary work around. I got rid of the values to the doors in the Boss room and the Trinity Turbo Ship Upgrade, as the switch to enter the room causes the upgrade to disappear. You can edit this at any time if you wish and I'll can post an update.

The long anticipated Area 8 uses a terrific area to area system like Area 4, only keeping to the Solo Mode design. Apart from the delicious detail that fills every corridor Area 8 also boasts creative Mini Bosses and textures. (such as the command console) Excellent work Pi! πŸ™‚

Hm, are the Trinity Turbo upgrade + the glowing wires for it having an Extra2 of 1078? If it's not working, try out 1079 or even 1080 for it.

Oh, come on Silver, it wasn't your fault for the delay... A LOT of that was me not doing it when i should have been.

But i hope you people enjoy it just the same.

Overall, a very nice, large addition to the level- well worth the wait. I like it!

Nice job with the arrangement of the areas, and the requirement that the player remember where various doors that they passed earlier are.

I really like the Factory's defence system. It is very nasty if you blunder into it, but due to the recent save ring, a stupid error won't cost you a lot of playing time.

The permanently-closing-behind-you doors for the squashing trap are a nice touch, and are, I admit, less finicky than my own permanently-closing-doors. My one complaint is that they slam shut on you so early, although that is, alas, unavoidable (I think...).

The Volcano pseudoboss is fun, but I must ask:


Did you leave the hole in its firing pattern just in front of the lowermost weak point intentionally?

The Squishing Room trap doors wiggle, because you left their invisible parent sprite with the original AI.
The Ice Caves pseudoboss doesn't have working doors, fake or real, although it has door fittings. I think they have the wrong Extra2 value- 1083 instead of 1085.
The Red switch-in-a-wall in the Ice Caves is only switchable by the Yellow gun.
The Yellow switch just past it, on the other hand, is Red-only.

General comment on the project:
Everything is far too easy with the Wave gun- if we do another Project Multisketch, I suggest ranking it up with the Missiles in terms of "avoid putting in early, if at all". If we need hard-to-shoot switches, use a Shooting Gallery-type arrangement and hide the Super Pellets somewhere (


Note: This was written before I had found the exit- nice job!



@edwards, on Jun 20 2007, 12:10 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Overall, a very nice, large addition to the level- well worth the wait. I like it!

Nice job with the arrangement of the areas, and the requirement that the player remember where various doors that they passed earlier are.

I really like the Factory's defence system. It is very nasty if you blunder into it, but due to the recent save ring, a stupid error won't cost you a lot of playing time.

The permanently-closing-behind-you doors for the squashing trap are a nice touch, and are, I admit, less finicky than my own permanently-closing-doors. My one complaint is that they slam shut on you so early, although that is, alas, unavoidable (I think...).

The Volcano pseudoboss is fun, but I must ask:


Did you leave the hole in its firing pattern just in front of the lowermost weak point intentionally?

The Squishing Room trap doors wiggle, because you left their invisible parent sprite with the original AI.
The Ice Caves pseudoboss doesn't have working doors, fake or real, although it has door fittings. I think they have the wrong Extra2 value- 1083 instead of 1085.
The Red switch-in-a-wall in the Ice Caves is only switchable by the Yellow gun.
The Yellow switch just past it, on the other hand, is Red-only.

General comment on the project:
Everything is far too easy with the Wave gun- if we do another Project Multisketch, I suggest ranking it up with the Missiles in terms of "avoid putting in early, if at all". If we need hard-to-shoot switches, use a Shooting Gallery-type arrangement and hide the Super Pellets somewhere (


Note: This was written before I had found the exit- nice job!



Thanks! I'm pretty happy with the factory. And yes, the closing early is, almost entirely, unavoidable. The gap in firing pattern is unintended, though i do think i'll leave it there. I'll be nice.

The wiggling SquishRoom doors are intended. I think they look cool like that, though i'm not sure why.

I'll fix the borked Ice Caves boss doors and post the fixed level here as soon as i finish this post.

Same with the switches.

And yes, i know it's far to easy with Wave... Almost everything is. You NEED wave for the Wasteland boss, or almost, but everything else becomes trivial. I could fix this by making everything's weakpoint surrounded by things that would keep you from getting close to it, but that would make it a good deal harder. I'm trying to keep it winnable by pilots who have not mad skills. (Read: My Bro)


Edit: Ok, after a complete start-to-finish playthrough, i can call this version fixed :Pro Mul Ske 4 (Sections 7/8)

This post has been edited by PiSketch : 20 June 2007 - 12:36 PM

The updated version of Area 8 is available for download. (in the official spot, hehe)

Nice one Pi. I thought I would have noticed the yellow/red door thing, but as a wise man once said: "Me old eyes ain't what they used to be. They used to be me ears!"

Mm, nice quote. What's that from?

@pisketch, on Jun 21 2007, 03:06 PM, said in Project Multi Sketch:

Mm, nice quote. What's that from?

It's from a wise man πŸ˜›

This post has been edited by Dogbert : 21 June 2007 - 02:21 PM