Points "error"

2p compet

Bone to pick with points counting - the way the person who delivers the "finishing blow" gets the points. For example, p1 hammers a big paper plane-bird thing down to 99% shields and backs off. P2 swoops in and kills it. p2 gets the points. Note that i have not actually tested this, but that it seems evident from my games. Maybe a system where the player who dealt the most damage to it gets the points? Just a thought.


This post has been edited by PiSketch : 03 December 2006 - 12:43 AM

@pisketch, on Dec 3 2006, 12:22 AM, said in Points "error":

Bone to pick with points counting - the way the person who delivers the "finishing blow" gets the points.

Confirmed, this is how it works.

Just like in football, it's not the guy who carries for the first 99 yards... it's the one who crosses the line that gets the TD.

I think this is one of the points which are a bit frustrating at first, but make the game a lot more interesting and challenging later. Just try out being a bit faster than your opponent or "steal" his points! 😉

Whatever, it's not as if killing most things (except perhaps a few stuff, like big bugs) takes much time, and it's not as if they're hard to hit, once you begin hitting you pretty much always finish it off; it's not like flight (or space) combat sims where you land only a few clear blows before having to stop, and the one dealing the killing blow has been pretty much lucky.

By the way, Freq is probably the best SF4ka player out there. Watch out for him. 😉

@fprefect, on Dec 3 2006, 06:57 AM, said in Points "error":

Just like in football, it's not the guy who carries for the first 99 yards... it's the one who crosses the line that gets the TD.

Or, so as to give a less US-centric reference ;), in soccer it's the one who shoots the ball in the goal who gets the goal. (TD = TouchDown)