Maximum number of levels in a Plug

Hi Guys. Does anyone know what the maximum number of single player levels that can be in an Ares Scenario is? I'm currently on level 28 of my new plug, but only 26 of them will load in the game interface. Is it me, or is it a limitation in the game? Help!

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...


Hi Guys. Does anyone know what the maximum number of single player levels that can be in an Ares Scenario is? I'm currently on level 28 of my new plug, but only 26 of them will load in the game interface. Is it me, or is it a limitation in the game? Help!

I don't think there is a limit to the number of levels. Do you mean that you can get to levels 27 and 28 while playing the game starting at level 26, but the menu doesn't show 27+28 even after you've gotten to them?

GR Name: Patrick Cavanaugh

A level limit would be very, very bad. I've planned M:Inv to be some 50 levels long, and that's just solo missions. This would prove t throw a big wrench into our plans...

The Oracular Net would like to know your favorite color
(url="http://"")=Axis Software Integrated=(/url)

To the best of my knowledge, there is only a 255 level limit.

However, I'm suspicious about the 28-ish number you're talking about, since that's similar to the number of factory scenarios. Can anyone else confirm this? Is it possible that there's a problem with your "declare winner" action, Lord Commander?

In the level select screen, you can type an asterisk * and then a two digit number to automatically set the last completed level, I think starting with 00, but it could be 01. That might help you discover if the problem is yours or mine.

Thank you for your response, Admiral. Where did the 255 levels figure come from? I always have the "Training Only" box checked when I'm constructing levels, besides whch at this stage of development I've ironed out all the "...cannot complete this level because you forgot to set conditions that work..." bugs ages ago. Nope, there definitely seems to be a limit of 26 solo levels. For example, if I delete level 1, level 27 then becomes available at the end of level 26...
This could really set a cap on plugs.
What about the Slug man? He should know, knowing everything as he claims to do so...! that's the trouble with those hero types, never around when you need to ask them a question.

Anyway, plans are afoot to split my plug into three pluglets if the tech guys cannot come up with a fix...

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

Well, at least the Multiplayer levels are stored in a different file now we'll get at least 26 chapters/plug in any case.

But for M:Inv, that's not going to be too fun. At least if we don't go above 52 we won't need more than 2 installments. I'll see about the restriction...

What others can travel so far into so many universes yet remain so deeply rooted in their own?
(url="http://"")M:Inv(/url) and the (url="http://"")M:Inv Webboards(/url)

Well as it sits now (the way I've written it out, at least) the plug is 51 scenario levels, and some more net levels.

The Oracular Net would like to know your favorite color
(url="http://"")=Axis Software Integrated=(/url)

And it works, game runs mormally, in sequence, ad infinitum, etc, etc? Preferences thrash time then I guess...

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...


Originally posted by Lord Commander Anic:
**Thank you for your response, Admiral. Where did the 255 levels figure come from?

That comes from the fact the chapter number is represented by 8 bits somewhere in the code.


- snip -
Nope, there definitely seems to be a limit of 26 solo levels. For example, if I delete level 1, level 27 then becomes available at the end of level 26...
This could really set a cap on plugs.

Send the file in question to and I'll take a look at it. Please indicate in your email the last level that you can complete.



Originally posted by Lord Commander Anic:
**What about the Slug man? He should know, knowing everything as he claims to do so...! that's the trouble with those hero types, never around when you need to ask them a question.

First of all, Slug left the boards. Secondly, Admiral Grammaticus is the best person to get a response from, because he's Nathan Lamont, who made the game in the first place.

"If you take your helmet off in battle, sombody's gonna hack your head off."
Visit my site, if you're interested:
Email me at with a review and a rating (out of 100) for an Ares plug, and I'll put it on the reviews section.


Originally posted by Mag Steelglass:
**First of all, Slug left the boards. Secondly, Admiral Grammaticus is the best person to get a response from, because he's Nathan Lamont, who made the game in the first place.


Chuckle Ah, too true.

Actually, this * power proved very useful for me. My Ares version had the "Level 13 only" bug, and I didn't want to trash my prefs because that'd mean running through my own plug again. It might not be that hard, but I'm lazy. :g:

On another note, does anyone want me to make that disappear? I can see the cheaters picking up on it, and if the question comes up again any one of us can answer it.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

How about making M:inv into 2 plugs, part 1 and part 2?

You could either just do that, or have it as a kind of 'trilogy'...with 3 last lvls, etc...

This Vid is a bit like my beast; extremely long, and best enjoyed with a mouthful of nuts.
-Ali G.

The file is currently 4.5 MB. Too big for (my) e-mail Admiral. But I'll create a page for it on my web site and strip out as yet unused sprites to reduce the size and e-mail you the url. It'll be a while before I can get round to it though. A thought has occurred to me also. My plug is a retrofit constructed on a copy of the original Ares Scenario file. Perhaps this limits the number of levels to that of the original scenario... On reflection a scratch built plug might have been better.

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...