My own new plug

Ok heres my report some of the levels are hard(not really hard)

And the first three are easy
a really hard one is the one with the deffence drones

Mag Steelglass i like him ok slug?

This is about MacMan's plug, Eminem, not yours.

Good laws are produced by extremely bad manners.
-Alduran Pirate Captain Macrobius

In all fairness, I think Eminem was talking about MacMan's plug.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.

Stop Exploding you cowards!

My bad...... sorry, Eminem

Good laws are produced by extremely bad manners.
-Alduran Pirate Captain Macrobius

Yes, I do believe he was talking of mine, unless someone else has a hard level with defense drones. (Do you?)

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

oh oh let me test it please, i know im late but i need a plugin please please

I'm the scourge of the
New Republic, care to
join me?

All rejoice!! I have regained Hera priveleges and I intend to finish the plug within a few weeks. I will notify you further when the complete beta comes out.

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

that took quite awhile to get back, a month 2 days, well hope you finish soon, theres a shortage of plugs out there.

insert famous line from either StarWars, Myth 2, Marathon Trilogy, Ares, StarCraft, Ultima Online, or from Ender's Quartet here

It'll be soon, alright. I already finished three missions.

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

im game, count me in.

you can E-mail me at

one question :redface:
how do you use a plugin?

and amids all the chaos, Durandal was laughing.
Marathon 1 final screen

(This message has been edited by irradiated (edited 12-11-2000).)

ugh this plugs been in beta forever the betas been closed for a month dont dig this up again. If macman doesnt release it ill release it for him, its actually quite good, a really kicking startup scene.

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 7

quoting my last entry
one question
how do you use a plugin?

i have dounloaded a plugin and cant make ares use it, how do u do that?


I'll give you a hint:

The answer is on the Ambrosia website, many times. You'll have to find it, unless somebody decides to spoil my fun.

"Oi, oi, oi, me got a hurt n here
Oi, oi, oi, me smell a ting is near
Me gonna bosh and me gonna nosh
An da hurt'll dissapear"

post the site!! i want my nickel!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 7

I'll give you a hint:

The answer is on the Ambrosia website, many times. You'll have to find it, unless somebody decides
to spoil my fun.

well mag, i cant find it on the website, exactly where on the site is it?


Although I'm sure not one of you remembers me, I have returned to the life of Ares, after finding Coldstone several years off. (OK I lied, I'm actually not returning to the life of Ares and I check every day to see if Coldstone is released but I'm just wondering if anyone remembers me?)

By the way I would test your plug in ๐Ÿ™‚

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better
(url="http://"")Get out the Vote: Just Vote(/url)

Put me in.
Of course, I'll have a ยˆห‡ล *ห‡ยƒing time trying to get it to load (Nathan isn't going to listen to me ever :frown: ).
I want some single-player kewlness.

Error: target is violating the laws of physics
Error: target is locally exceeding c
Error: unable to determine if target exists or not
Error: target cannot be hit

BAH!!! stop asking to beta it, as far as i know the betas been closed for a month now. Ive had a copy of humans revenge for god knows how long. Macman plz post something in this topic...

just take my post, and imagine everything is speeled right.
nickel count: 7


Originally posted by Pyro:
**Ive had a copy of humans revenge for god knows how long.


Could you send it too me, please? havent had a plugin for awhile.

insert famous line from either StarWars, Myth 2, Marathon Trilogy, Ares, StarCraft, Ultima Online, or from Ender's Quartet here