Ares: Override

On the EV/O Developers corner, a quiet conversation has been going on about my plugin for Ares, Ares: Override. Anyways, I need someone, or some people, to help me with it. If you want more info about Ares: Override (url="http://"")go here(/url).

Anyways, I need someone to help me with the single player campaign. Preferably someone experienced, possibly someone with a plugin that I can download and see how their work is.

If you wanna help, reply to this post. (you could e-mail me, but I never check my e-mail nowadays :p)

Oh, before you reply, check out the (url="http://"")screen shots(/url) of (url="http://"")Ares: Override(/url)


I would join right up, but I have two other Hera-related projects going at the moment. Although about downloading plugs, there are plenty in the addons that you could download, play, and then watch and see how they were done.

"I am the supreme dictator of the universe, it's just that nobody knows about it yet."
"Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow."


Originally posted by Mag Steelglass:
**Although about downloading plugs, there are plenty in the addons that you could download, play, and then watch and see how they were done.

I know there are, and thats what I'll do if no one well help. I'll probably end up doing it myself anyway, but I thought I'd at least ask.


I would like to help can you please E-Mail me more info
I would like to help you very much plase E-mail

I'll write a hyperjump sequence for you if I ever get around to it... I had a huge theory but never put it to the test.

What others can travel so far into so many universes yet remain so deeply rooted in their own?


Originally posted by Pallas Athene:
**I'll write a hyperjump sequence for you if I ever get around to it... I had a huge theory but never put it to the test.

Hyperjump sequence?



Originally posted by MadFax7:
**Hyperjump sequence?


For making Ares more like EV/O. Each level is a system and you can hyperjump between them.

This post has been edited by Patrick : 25 September 2007 - 02:56 PM

That wouldn't require a huge theory. My theory places all of the systems into a single level, meaning you could use credits that wouldn't reset every jump.

What others can travel so far into so many universes yet remain so deeply rooted in their own?


Originally posted by Pallas Athene:
**That wouldn't require a huge theory. My theory places all of the systems into a single level, meaning you could use credits that wouldn't reset every jump.

How does it work?



Originally posted by Patrick:
For making Ares more like EV/O.

I know, I meant "what do you mean by "Hyperjump sequence?"."


Originally posted by Patrick:
**Each level is a system and you can hyperjump between them.

That's not really the same though, and you cant go BACK to a system without having to play it all over again.


Mostly it's designed to facilitate inter-systemic battles. Using triggers to create a level, you'd only fight it once. I'll have to write out the instructions, maybe later today.

What others can travel so far into so many universes yet remain so deeply rooted in their own?

My cable modem is acting up today :frown:, so if I disappear for 3-6 weeks, its because @home sucks. (it happend to me once before, and I had no net for 2 months, eek!)



(This message has been edited by Laguna (edited 03-30-2001).)

My, my. I'm sensing some karma slapping coming on...

"Why do we have to mow our lawns? What's wrong with the 'natural' look?!?"
Visit my site, if you're interested:
Email me at with a review and a rating (out of 100) for an Ares plug, and I'll put it on the reviews section.

(His karma has been adjusted accordingly)
