
Hera tells me to find the Ares Folder.I choose the right one,but imediatly quits.Any

Make sure it's the Ares 1.2ß folder.
If that doesn't work, try increasing memory to Hera (I usually give it 9 gigs because I'm working on both StarLance and B.T.S.)
If that doesn't work, then remember you need a PowerPC to use Hera right.

Those who make up the rules, do not play the game. We, however, do.
-Imperial Captain Alexi Darvonsal


Originally posted by Slug:
**Make sure it's the Ares 1.2ß folder.
If that doesn't work, try increasing memory to Hera (I usually give it 9 gigs because I'm working on both StarLance and B.T.S.)
If that doesn't work, then remember you need a PowerPC to use Hera right.


I allready figured it out.
Thanks though.


9 gigs of RAM?! The specifications of your Mac are rather impressive... a G5 by the sounds of it, with an unlimited budget behind it...!

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

i think he means HD space


You're both wrong. I meant to type megs. 🙂

Those who make up the rules, do not play the game. We, however, do.
-Imperial Captain Alexi Darvonsal

megs are HD space.....


Megs are ALSO ram, although it's usually measured in k, but k is getting to be too low.

"You can get much further with kind words and a loaded gun than you can with kind words alone."
- Al Capone

"16k should be enough for anyone"
-Bill Gates

what an idiot


Puagh! The new G4s have 1.5 gig of memory.

Those who make up the rules, do not play the game. We, however, do.
-Imperial Captain Alexi Darvonsal

...maximum space

Those who make up the rules, do not play the game. We, however, do.
-Imperial Captain Alexi Darvonsal

my respect for bill getes extends as far as my middle finger 🙂


My disrespect for Bill Gates extends as far as a mobius strip

Those who make up the rules, do not play the game. We, however, do.
-Imperial Captain Alexi Darvonsal


Originally posted by Slug:
**My disrespect for Bill Gates extends as far as a mobius strip


I like your sense of humour.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

I like your good-egg-edness 😄

Those who make up the rules, do not play the game. We, however, do.
-Imperial Captain Alexi Darvonsal

Talk as long as you want.