New Weapon

How do I create a beam weapon that fires only straight forward?

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

I asked this to and I know you can just make it fire really rapidly but when your fireing from the sides it looks wierd

Mag Steelglass i like him ok slug?

you cant. unless you do some MAJOR tinkering.


Bah. You make it travel fast (I suggest speed 50 or so), and you make it extremely rapid (I suggest one), and you give the ship with the weapon one beam num for it. Also set the random direction part to zero. That's basically what I sent Eminem.

"I can ail what cures you."

You know pyro I think that Spaming thing well i think alot of ECAs have it and you are starting to spam more

Mag Steelglass i like him ok slug?

Sure he is... 😉

"You can get much further with kind words and a loaded gun than you can with kind words alone."
- Al Capone

Al Capon from sweet home
Chicago. I have an Mp3 about that it goes something like this
When a man named alcapone(*ogh)tried to make that town his own (*ogh)and he called his gang to was... i herd my mother cry

Mag Steelglass i like him ok slug?