Comments about Plugs I have played :)

This is where I give out the comments about mods I have played...

Triangulum Preview: Good start Pallas Athene, brilliant story, the level was bit boring but otherwise great.

Iron Fist: Absolutely Fantastic. No other words for it. Unique mission structure with a touch of class

Gaitor vs Obain: A great battle, odds are even so both sides have an equal chance of winning. I love the obish Battleshps and their spread protopulse cannons.

Aaagh!: Neat little twist with Ares. Like the humour behind the briefings.

Those Interupting Salrillians: Sweet but loses it when you have to fight the Salrillians with the Salrillians.



Shoot!There goes my...
Oops!I didnt do it, nobody saw me do it, You can prove anythin...

Heheh. Wait untill StarLance....

Little Johnny was a scientist
Little Johnny is no more
For what he thought was H2O
Was really H2SO4

-Grafitti scrawled on Polaris Confederate Headquarters

I thought Iron Fist was pretty good, but it was just too easy. I guess I could always modify the copy I downloaded... 🙂

"I can ail what cures you."

Mag your easy to beat in the net i wonder how good u are for AI

Mag Steelglass, an old friend who aild what cured me many times!
Kristina Agulara sucks!

What do you mean, Eminem?!? I whooped you! With me as a gunship, you as an HVD, and with two other gunships on your side, even! You only beat me when you rushed my HVD with you and a Gunship right after I fought the station. Sal HVDs are so horrible against stations...No missiles and a low damage beam...Augh! :mad:

Oh, and lets not forget when you flew your light cruiser into the flak drones... :rolleyes:

"I can ail what cures you."

Personally, I'm a real devil to please. To catch my favour, you need top-quality graphics, top-quality mission coding, and a top-quality storyline. So far, some of the plug-ins have come close... but I'm holding my judgement yet. 🙂

Oh, and Mag- if Eminem is annoying you, just ignore him. Simple, cheap and very effective. Well, in theory at least.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

"theory is the death of reality"


"reality is the death of theory"

hehehe 🙂

Now on a serious note.

No matter how a bad a mod is a mod is still a mod and should deserve some congratulations to the maker for taking to time to make it.

So I guess evry mod is good in a way.


Shoot!There goes my...
Oops!I didnt do it, nobody saw me do it, You can prove anythin...

Yeah, but they sould at least try to make good mods... What's the point of working on a p.o.s. plug that nobody will enjoy very much?



"I can ail what cures you."

I'm handling plugs, so when you submit them I WILL review them. I won't let another plug like Alpha to Omega slip through.

Give a man a match and he'll be warm for an hour... Set him on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
-Polaris Confederate Recruitmant Theme


Originally posted by Slug:
**I'm handling plugs, so when you submit them I WILL review them. I won't let another plug like Alpha to Omega slip through.


You're handling plugs? Fair enough.

Oh, and Zell, yes any plug-in creators should recieve at least some recognition for their work, and if ultimately it is of poor quality, people should try to help the creator understand what went wrong and how to improve on it next time.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.

Stop Exploding you cowards!

The Iron Fist: Good plot, nice branching, but far too easy.

Black Seas: Excellent plot, but gameplay needs some work, and Whiteknight graphic problem is horrible.

The Rogue: Very good all around. Last level WAS a bit to hard, however.

Those are all I have played.

Long Live Apple! Long Live the Mac!

Augh! How many times must I say it? Iron Fiist 1.0.3 (new, in the addons section now) is HARD

Good laws are produced by extremely bad manners.
-Alduran Pirate Captain Macrobius


Originally posted by Slug:
**Augh! How many times must I say it? Iron Fiist 1.0.3 (new, in the addons section now) is HARD

It is NOT hard!!! It's way too easy! I don't see how you can possibly think it's hard. Some of the missions in The Rogue are too easy, too, but not nearly as many.

"I can ail what cures you."

That's because there aren't as many levels in The Rogue!

Good laws are produced by extremely bad manners.
-Alduran Pirate Captain Macrobius

I'm not saying Iron Fist is worse in any area other than difficulty, Slug. I just think it's still way too easy.

"I can ail what cures you."