Ok heres my question:

Ok Ah im making a solid beam weopon(like the tazer) and how do i make it not turreted?
And dont say uncheck auto trugeted

Mag Steelglass, an old friend who aild what cured me many times!
Kristina Agulara sucks!

Sumo's brain falls out of his ear

Have you experimented with rapid-fire normal beams?

"I can ail what cures you."

it doesn't work!

Mag Steelglass, an old friend who aild what cured me many times!
Enforce contest space blob!

I just made one that works. I'll email it to you.

"I can ail what cures you."

Ok thanks but is there anyway to make it wider!

Mag Steelglass, an old friend who aild what cured me many times!
Enforce contest space blob!

Short answer: No.

I told you it could be done, Eminem

He who loves the law will either die poor or mad.
-Alduran Proverb

Tell me now
Or ill sceeze the toth paste out of my best friends dog!

Mag Steelglass, an old friend who aild what cured me many times!
Enforce contest space blob!

muffled scream

Sumo appears out of nowhere right over the dog and lands on it, squishing Toothpaste (and a lot other stuff) outta the dog like.... um.... Toothpaste out of a tube.