A request to plugin developers

With the next version of Hera about to release, developers have been undergoin ambitious projects like mission addons. However, every developer feels that they're supposed to release 'previews' of their plugins.

I feel that previews shouldn't be released as they would only clutter up the addons section. Only previews for total conversions should be submitted, if every developer were to submit an incomplete plugin the addons section would fill up like the EV boards.


I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Commodore za'Grom
After the capture of Earth

Whos alug?
and also they can submit there prevews at my server the IP is now:

ITS HERE ARES WEBBOARD ONE HOTLINE(for more detales go to the topic called its here and read it)!
(if this Sarilian Carriers a-rocken dont come a-knoking)
(1-2-3-the devels after me-4-5-6-hes always throwing sticks-7-8-9-he misses every time)
(Devels Shack)
E |/| I || E |/

(Alug is Slug, with a typo)

I agree with Slug. I don't think previews are necessary. What if you come up with a major change of plans after you release the preview? Why ruin the suspense as to what the story line is goin to be?

"I can ail what cures you."


Originally posted by Slug:
**With the next version of Hera about to release, developers have been undergoin ambitious projects like mission addons. However, every developer feels that they're supposed to release 'previews' of their plugins.

I feel that previews shouldn't be released as they would only clutter up the addons section. Only previews for total conversions should be submitted, if every developer were to submit an incomplete plugin the addons section would fill up like the EV boards.



I see your point. Maybe previews are strictly for the hotline server.

I have a plan so ingenius even an idiot could have devised it. On my command, we will line up our ships and fly straight into the enemy death-cannons clogging them with wreckage.

Stop Exploding you cowards!

Enforce it!

ITS HERE ARES WEBBOARD ONE HOTLINE(for more detales go to the topic called its here and read it)!
(if this Sarilian Carriers a-rocken dont come a-knoking)
(1-2-3-the devels after me-4-5-6-hes always throwing sticks-7-8-9-he misses every time)
(Devels Shack)
E |/| I || E |/

Nono, I'm just trying to say that only total conversions deserve previews.

I do not suffer from insanity
I enjoy every minute of it

-Cantharan Commodore za'Grom
After the capture of Earth

I agree with Slug, previews aren't really needed.

The only problem we have, as moderators, is that if we delete certain plugs as "substandard" or "inappropriate", people are bound to complain. It's a delicate situation.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Yeah, I'm treading thin ice when I delete an outdated version of a plug.

Come again?

ITS HERE ARES WEBBOARD ONE HOTLINE(for more detales go to the topic called its here and read it)!
(if this Sarilian Carriers a-rocken dont come a-knoking)
(1-2-3-the devels after me-4-5-6-hes always throwing sticks-7-8-9-he misses every time)
(Devels Shack)
E |/| I || E |/