The Officer's Club Bar #4

Mike walks in the bar but since it is spinning so violently he gets sucked back out into oblivion then gets hit by one of the asteroids and blood and guts splatter all over the bar windows.

"That Sucks," mutters one of the costomers in the bar then returns to his game of Predict-the-next-person-to-die-in-the-bar game.

(Yes, I know I was already in the bar butd don't get me started on that. Some of you may remember the last time that happened...)


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HaHAAA who's the first person on the 5th page?! Yeah, you know I rock!


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Wait, no. Hmm... I wonder if I can do something with those random asteroids...
Spamo punches a few buttons on his PDA. Outside, his ship's cannons rotate and lock onto one of the nearby icy asteroids. It fires, causing the rock and ice to erupt into a million tiny fragments. These tiny fragments catch the sunlight causing a tremendously beautiful light show.

Tha's better.

"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long."

Heh. "Shoot the ice asteroids, but dodge the rocky ones." The bar's guns open fire on nearby asteroids, pulverizing them. The stabilizers restore more or less the bar's stability. Cicion pours some more drinks, one of which gets punctured by a micrometeorite that slipped through the bar's plating. Cicion finds the spot and his droids patch it up. Meanwhile, he desposes of the glass and gets a new one.

"Parlez-vous jig jig, madam?"
"I must put my pyjamas in the drawer marked pyjamas."
- Under Milk Wood

Lively though it is here, the rest of hte boards are seeming to dry up.

And y'know why? Because here, you can make a simple little post, for no real reason other than to doink around. Beats making a whole new topic. We all seem too intelligent for making useless/tiny topics.

"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long."

It does seem that way, doesn't it? Ah, well.

"Parlez-vous jig jig, madam?"
"I must put my pyjamas in the drawer marked pyjamas."
- Under Milk Wood

It's complacency.

Well, I can always start a topic about griping about mid-terms.

"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long."

Shrout1's battered Obish ship crwals through space, heading for 1 of the spinning docking arms. Well, just came through a little skirmish, not with the Sals, but with my parents. Darn absolute authority! Darn it all! Ugh. Well, sorry OV, looks like the Sals let you go, although it seems as though they performed some interesting tests on you. Wait a sec, you were like that before - just kidding! Anyhoo, the battered ship pulls up and aligns itself with one of the arms. After docking and counter thrusting the station's spin sufficiently enough to get into it without being flung into space, Shrout1 steps through the airlock and into the bar. He promplty regenerates Mike, and asks for a Greenyblue (My PopChar extension is off, so I can't do your copyrights, sorry). I don't know, I think maybe there should be a second version of it, called GreenBluey, I've been calling it that the whole time on accident.

"You will find that your device is highly non-functional...." - Bad Guy

Come visit the (url="http://"")Nova6 Webboards(/url).

Thanks Shrout. 😛

There ya go!


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It's GreenyBlue, there's nothing else like it.

Kinda like Mtn. Dew.
You want to do something dangerous with your friends? Dare them to drink warm, flat diet Moutain dew. It's funny to watch thier facial expressions.

"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long."

I don't think it even needs to be flat - the stuff is that way already.

"You will find that your device is highly non-functional...." - Bad Guy

Come visit the (url="http://"")Nova6 Webboards(/url).

And it has that flavor that defies flavor. Really odd. Is the taste based on any natural herb, or what?

"Parlez-vous jig jig, madam?"
"I must put my pyjamas in the drawer marked pyjamas."
- Under Milk Wood

I use Code Red as a vomit-inducer.

Seen on a Claymore anitpersonell mine: "Do not eat"

Anic breezes into the bar, feeling very wealthy all of a sudden.

"Is this bar drunk by any chance or is it my brain that's spinning out of control...?"
(The bar's blaster cannons begin strafing a colony ship that strayed too close to it. (They're bad spenders anyway...))

Ah yes, GreenyBlue¨ŠŞ 🆒 🆒 🆒 🆒 🆒 The Nectar of the Gods!
Keep on drinking guys. As I own the rights to the drink's production, I get 0.0005 Credits lodged in my bank account everytime somebody buys one, and 0.000005 credits each time the name is spoken by someone (No purchase necessary)! Soon I'll be the richest pilot hereabouts and I'll then be able to afford a new ship, bigger, better, faster, more powerful than before, you know the sort of thing. (Blast my eyesight, if I didn't see the decimal place when I signed the contracts. All those zeros looked soooo good!) It's been remarkably successful. Even the Sals have been buying the stuff. 🙂

Um, How's it going Barkeeper, business good? I'll have a GreenyBlue¨ŠŞ please. I see you're continually varying the gimmicks to keep the customers comming back.
(Having blasted the hulk of the hapless colony ship into small fragments, the station's blaster cannons were now targeting and picking off the hundreds of escape pods that were streaming out in all directions...)

Erm Shrout1, what's the point in having your PopChar if it's switched off?! It's totally harmless...! 🙂 Sips the Greeny bit off conversationally (We all know of course that the Blue is on top..., but then we all know that!)

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

Well, as the drink's become such a hit, Anic, rip-offs will probably start to surface soon. I heard about something called "BlueyGreen" over at the edge of Human space. Oh, and if you want, a couple of Phylydion merchantmen just jumped into the system and are orbiting the bar. I could have them loaded up with GreenyBlue if you like. The Phylydion market could be quite profitable.

"Parlez-vous jig jig, madam?"
"I must put my pyjamas in the drawer marked pyjamas."
- Under Milk Wood

Hey, any sales will do me. Spread the word, and the merchandice! 🙂

As for rip-offs, we'll just license them too. It's easier than sending a squad of enforcers around to re-arrange their facial features, or a fleet of battleships to squash their home world...
Besides, its good business.

Oh, so it is another bug hunt then...

Speak for yourself. I'd rather see their faces remodeled to resemble M.C. Escher paintings.

"That was quick."
"Well you know, when you don't do it right it doesn't take as long."

I personally prefer the "3D art book" effect.
You know what I mean, rearrange their face so when you cross your eyes just right, you see their origional face.

Seen on a Claymore anitpersonell mine: "Do not eat"

Right. A "Magic Eye" face. Pull your viewpoint away from them slowly, and you'll see the outline of their original face. Ah, well. By the way, we've finally made peace with the Greccha Empire. We established a permanent border between our space with dozens of automated defense stations on either side with about a million miles of empty space between. A sort of neutral zone.

"Parlez-vous jig jig, madam?"
"I must put my pyjamas in the drawer marked pyjamas."
- Under Milk Wood

Alacina looks up from her drink.
"Heh. That ALWAYS works. Ask France."

Cicion stares at her.

"After WWI, there were a bunch of tiny "buffer zone" countries between France and Germany, forming a sort of neutral zone. Don't worry, I'm sure the Greccha WON'T get a crazy, revenge-minded dictator."

Seen on a Claymore anitpersonell mine: "Do not eat"