The Officer's Club Bar # 3

I thought the same thing when I saw you log on/log off GR in a matter of microseconds. I was in the room. You saw me. I saw you. What's the deal with that?

There are only 3 kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.

That was my common sense giving my sense of procrastination a kick in the hindbrain. I've got the National Qualifying Exam for the Science Olympiads in two days now, so I have to knuckle down and study. Of course, thinking these things through better before double-clicking the GR icon would probably have been smarter, but... yeah, intelligence != smartness.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only
Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Brookeview walks out of the bar to go somewhere else. "This bar is too boring" he mutters as he leaves.

Brookeview Technologies Worldwide
A name you know, a name you can trust.
(url="http://"")Earth's Journey v2.0 screen shots(/url)
(url="http://";=Just For Fun Folder&templatefn;=FileSharing6.html")http://homepage.mac....eSharing6.html) Try these Ares projects that are just for fun:// just for fun:// just for fun(/url)

Spamo flings a bowl of petunias (which think "oh cr@p, this AGAIN!" as they fly) at Brookeview as he leaves.

Hey, since when did you start inserting C++ into conversation?

All communications must be done so in some sort of coding style. e.g. C++, C, Java, Pascal, COBOL, SNOBOL, Perl, Python, HTML and/or Assembly.

Madness takes it's toll; Please have exact change.

#include <iostream>

void main()
cout << "Brokeview returns to the bar glad he is taking his ap c++ class" << 'n';

Brookeview Technologies Worldwide
A name you know, a name you can trust.
(url="http://"")Earth's Journey v2.0 screen shots(/url)
(url="http://";=Just For Fun Folder&templatefn;=FileSharing6.html")Try the Ares Files that are just for fun(/url)

#include <iostream.h>

void main()
cout<<"El spamo is taking CS311. Data Structures and Algorithms. REAL hard programming. Traverse a Binary tree! C'mon do it!";

for (int x = 0; x<1000; x++)
{ cout<<"HA"<<endl; }


Madness takes it's toll; Please have exact change.

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class bar1 extends Applet
  showStatus("Bow you obsolete fools!!! Mwa ha ha ha ha ha!!!");

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

(This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 10-23-2001).)

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class bar2 extends Applet
	paint(Graphics g)
  g.drawString("If by "traversing" you mean prining out the stuff inside,",25,5);
  g.drawString("I've done that before. If you mean something else, we ",25,25);
  g.drawString("probably did it in the class I skipped. Ah well.",25,45);
  g.drawString("I probably know more Java than you anyway  (img)",25,65);

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI

(This message has been edited by Fleet Admiral Darkk (edited 10-23-2001).)


void main()
cout <<"Thats is an infinite more amount of Java than I know"<<'n';

Brookeview Technologies Worldwide
A name you know, a name you can trust.
(url="http://"")Earth's Journey v2.0 screen shots(/url)
(url="http://";=Just For Fun Folder&templatefn;=FileSharing6.html")Try the Ares Files that are just for fun(/url)

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class bar3 extends Applet
	paint(Graphics g)
  g.drawString("I'd rather be writing Cpp anyway, but this year is Java.",25,5);
  g.drawString("BTW, my compsci teacher thinks algorithms and data structures",25,25);
  g.drawString("is the entirity of programming, aside from syntax, which he",25,45);
  g.drawString("doesn't know. Fun, eh?",25,65);

Formerly-Rampant Human-Coded AI



<TITLE>Cicion's Post</TITLE>


<BODY bgcolor=orange>

<FONT=SIZE-12 FACE="Palatino">

Okay, now that I have made my coded post(in the pitiful little that I remember from HTML), I hereby declare the "code rule" null and void. Post regularly(or encoded, if you particularly like that way).


-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"What sort of man is he?"
"Oh, he's just like any other man, only more so."

"hey bartender what do you recommend" ask Brookeview

Brookeview Technologies Worldwide
A name you know, a name you can trust.
(url="http://"")Earth's Journey v2.0 screen shots(/url)
(url="http://";=Just For Fun Folder&templatefn;=FileSharing6.html")Try the Ares Files that are just for fun(/url)


Originally posted by El Spamo:
**Spamo flings a bowl of petunias (which think "oh cr@p, this AGAIN!" as they fly) at Brookeview as he leaves.

Hey, since when did you start inserting C++ into conversation?

All communications must be done so in some sort of coding style. e.g. C++, C, Java, Pascal, COBOL, SNOBOL, Perl, Python, HTML and/or Assembly.

C++? I didn't put c++ into the conversation. What were you talking about?

Brookeview Technologies Worldwide
A name you know, a name you can trust.
(url="http://"")Earth's Journey v2.0 screen shots(/url)
(url="http://";=Just For Fun Folder&templatefn;=FileSharing6.html")Try the Ares Files that are just for fun(/url)

Don't go! Alright, alright, you can be the Member of the Month, you can also keep that Gasat secret of yours, JUST DON'T GO! 😉

American beer is like sex in a lifeboat. It's f*cking close to water.

  • Slug
    Prostitution is like Bungee Jumping. It's short, it's expensive, and if the rubber breaks you're f*cked. - Me

Piemur walks into the bar, which some nagging memory a long time ago keeps insisting that he had never left the bar and had seen all that happen earlier but just never noticed, and takes a seat. Everyone looks at him as a suspecting target as to his earlier escapades, though not as severely as everyone is at the same time staring at Joveia, and slowly ease out their stunners...

Captain of the SA.SC.Pern
SA.SC.Pern=Shadowcat Alliance, Star Commander, Home port
Shadowcat Alliance = merchant clan
Star Commander = rank in clan

suddenly noticing the attention he's getting, Piemur orders a Pangalactic Gargleblaster. Suddenly a flock of half-deflated balloons and time-bleached confetti fly from the ceiling and an old banner pops out that reads "Congratulations to our 100th customer"
As suddenly, half the balloons disappear in a wave of laser light and the banner suddenly looks as if a bunch of rednecks had come by. Cicion shakes his head and says "I knew I should have taken that old system down." Cicion gets Piemur his drink and is paid. Piemur nonchalantly tries to drink his PGGB and assimilate what the latest interesting things were. As it were, the holo didnt have any good shows on and the arcade no one ever noticed before had only Mario Bros which took only old Earth-type quarters. And still nothing seemed to happen. He got up to leave and everyone started talking among themselves as if he had already left. He sat down again, and the room became quiet again. He experimented a few times before someone got disgusted and stunned him. As the room became black to his eyes, he could hear a faint cheer...

Captain of the SA.SC.Pern
SA.SC.Pern=Shadowcat Alliance, Star Commander, Home port
Shadowcat Alliance = merchant clan
Star Commander = rank in clan

puts away stun-gun

Nothing to it fellas, nothing to it. You can mail your thank you cards to

Spamo Industries, CEO.
38283-9855 Tangibal Ct.
Sector 87 plural k 9-Omega.

Who wants to buy me a drink?

Madness takes it's toll; Please have exact change.


Originally posted by Piemur1:
**suddenly noticing the attention he's getting, Piemur orders a Pangalactic Gargleblaster. Suddenly a flock of half-deflated balloons and time-bleached confetti fly from the ceiling and an old banner pops out that reads "Congratulations to our 100th customer"
As suddenly, half the balloons disappear in a wave of laser light and the banner suddenly looks as if a bunch of rednecks had come by. Cicion shakes his head and says "I knew I should have taken that old system down." Cicion gets Piemur his drink and is paid. Piemur nonchalantly tries to drink his PGGB and assimilate what the latest interesting things were. As it were, the holo didnt have any good shows on and the arcade no one ever noticed before had only Mario Bros which took only old Earth-type quarters. And still nothing seemed to happen. He got up to leave and everyone started talking among themselves as if he had already left. He sat down again, and the room became quiet again. He experimented a few times before someone got disgusted and stunned him. As the room became black to his eyes, he could hear a faint cheer...


Hoi! Piemur, you back in Vienna yet? Or have your parents moved or something? And did you bring those two books you didn't give back to me? :mad:

Hmm...lets see...what to do when you're outgunned, outnumbered and says here: Don't have a battle.

  • Tacticus , Jingo

Yeah. See who cares! 😉

Feels all depressed

'Tender, 10 heinekens!

Hmm...lets see...what to do when you're outgunned, outnumbered and says here: Don't have a battle.

  • Tacticus , Jingo

Slides the drinks down the bar. Three of them slip past Karrde and smash to smithereens on the floor.