The Officer's Club Bar

Walks in and sits down at a stool

Jamsok :Can I get a gin and juice with strong Cranberry/Raspberry juice and the highest proof gin ya got?
Bartender:Here's your drink.
Jamsok:ThanksDowns it in one gulp,Another one please!

It started as a typo but now it is my unique Screen Name!

(This message has been edited by Jamsok (edited 06-29-2000).)

(This message has been edited by Jamsok (edited 06-30-2000).)

The man who downed the Pan-galactic gargle blaster wakes up. He wanders around in aimless triangles until he finds the bar.

"I need a root beer, fast!"he says horsely.

Once he gets it he takes a large drink and makes a sour face.

"Mmmmm. Nothing like good old corbonated water to sober you up. Say, I don't belive we've meet, I'm Wikatatakatawata. I've got one of the fastest ships in the galaxy, its got the infinate improbabillity drive of 'The Heart of Gold', the way it got it was the 'Heart of Gold' turned on its improbability drive and winked into the Ares universe, before it went back to its own universe it turned a passing Obish Escort into an Elejeetian Cruiser with the improbability drive. The former escort was my ship, I've now renamed it 'The Hart of a Mix of Synthetic Materials that Together Look Slightly Like Gold'. So how's business?"

He takes another swig of root beer.

The space ships hung in the air much in the same way bricks don't.

Why is it that the more civilized the civilization, the more people they kill?

Wikatatakatawata all of a suden relizes that he's having a conversation with an imaginary person and walks out of the bar holding his imagenary root beer.

The space ships hung in the air much in the same way bricks don't.

Why is it that the more civilized the civilization, the more people they kill?

(This message has been edited by Wikatatakatawata (edited 06-29-2000).)

(Just posting this so the bar dosen't fade out of existence)

A group of UNS wingmen clutter into the bar. Most of them cluster around one of the booths near the end of the room, and three of them head up to the bar for drinks for the group. Many of them have the embroidered emblem of the Sigma party on their flight jackets.

Minutes later, a Cantharan engineering team stops by en route to Tay Ros. As the groups notice eachother, they fall silent and tension mounts. This could get interesting.

(Someone go somewhere with this. We need to breathe some life into this thread.)

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

Gentlemen, why don't you take this outside?
presses a button and both groups are ejected into outer space
turns back to his first officer and mumbles
The only reason I wasn't promoted to admiral was that I liked to sleep with the window open...

"Let's do this!"
Titan A.E.

Friends, enemies (enemies doubly underlined): My allies and men are fighting a losing battle that could be a pivotal moment in history. I beseech you to aid us with whatever aid you can offer.

The battle comm frequency is (url="http://"")here(/url).

"Let's do this!"
Titan A.E.

The pilots and engineers are NOT ejected into space.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

Well, so long for a month, folks. Going out to Californ-eye-ae. Be sure to keep this thread going.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor

"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo

((Idiotic and attention seeking posts go elsewhere, k Pharris?))

Sundered Angel's place sits cold and empty at the bar. Ever since he walked out during the last border skirmish, he has not been seen anywhere. But rumours continue to drift in, of a black fighter showing up in odd places, and dissapearing again without a trace. As civilisation teeters and war looms, he remains away... And no one knows why...

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Hehe do what as I say, not as I do, ehg sundered? no, i was only kidding... please don't ban me... I'll do anything... please no...


darr me 'earties! how de life deese days? arr, i'd say we be goin off to raid soom audemons sometime soon parhaps? har har 😛


Is there a limit to the number of pages a topic can have?

I'm not sure. That's sort of why we're continuing this thread. I want to see it get up to 1,000 without gratuitous spam.

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

HI my ship the Slim Shady, An Sarilian Heavy Destroyer, (Stolen) Just broke down and i nedd 300 glasses of milk for my crew


flounces up to the bartender
Hey Sissyon, Check the Chronicles section.
smug grin

Wikatatakatawata walks back into the bar holding a cross-word puzzle.

"Dose anyone know a three letter word for a small flying insect? It starts with 'F' and ends with 'Y'."

The space ships hung in the air much in the same way bricks don't.

Why is it that the more civilized the civilization, the more people they kill?

Toothpaste strolls into the bar and orders a Bayle's Piss™.

"Say, this stuff really is as good as they say! Hey everyone, try a Bayle's Piss™! It's all on me!"

"Flag Captured"

I was drinking surge when I read that, and now I have surge all over my Keyboard and Monitor! Bad Boy!

Sorry. I was feeling a bit smug there. I'll buy ya a drink to make it up to ya Cicion?

Erratic cries for help are heard in the distance. Soon, a scuffling pair of thugs hopples past the bar door. Someone promptly flies past the door, feet flying forward, and nabs both guys in the back. "Hayaa!" SLAM
"Forget we asked! We'll be on our way..." both men moaned at the the person pinning them down.
"Good! You can go now." Soon both men were scampering away at a steady trot.

Swinging around the door, A dark haired woman walks up to the bar counter. Wearing a rather relaxed grin, she sits down next to Sundered Angel.

He looks up from his drink, to her. Suddenly, he gasps in surprise. "You're..."

She cuts him off "In most respects, yes. Well, other than the hair and uniform." She smiles back at his sudden beaming countanence.

No Guts, No Glory.

She had nice legs. Well of course she had nice legs! She had nice Everything!
Titan AE

(This message has been edited by Jane (edited 07-22-2000).)