The Officer's Club Bar


-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

You can have Phylydions here, but you can't go off making plots and stories.

Never put all your ranking officers in a shuttle.


Originally posted by Slug:
**You can have Phylydions here, but you can't go off making plots and stories.

Ok, I'm getting two different responses from Sargatanus. He said we could contribute possible chronicles about the old rpg as he was making a collection of them. You are saying that we can't. (as we'd be making plots and stories)

Personally, I don't see why Cicion can't start a sub-plot (pre-approved by Sargatanus) that includes our old characters, not necessarily the state of the galaxy at the time of the RPG being halted. What's wrong with a second RPG that just uses the same characters as the old, in possibly a totally different situation? (if you want a reason I can give you a big ramble about alternate dimensions and time travel ;))

Maybe I don't understand what you're saying clearly Slug.

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

I'm not going to do that, but I'll serve as technical consultant for Nijayias sections, and will make models as I find time. There isn't enough room in my head for 4 origional sci-fi universes, and 2 of them are MINE, and the other's the new RPG, so the old one stays out.

William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
Yes, I hate Cantharans. Does the trophy on the wall make it too obvious?

Starts cleaning up the wreckage caused by the fight, assisted by the worker droid. The Phylydia, Phylydia II, the Primary Armada, and the Vermillion Battlegroup appear outside the bar station and set themselves in orbit. Anyone for another round?

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

Gimme the strongest you got. Having your homeworld invaded is STRESSFUL.
I'm gonna hafta find a way to beat up some Sals, or I'll go nuts.
(lays small, unmarked bills on the counter)

William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
Yes, I hate Cantharans. Does the trophy on the wall make it too obvious?

Takes the opportunity of Darkk looking elsewhere absent-mindedly and slips in a whole container of red-hot chili pepper into Darkk's otherwise bland drink.

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

That's funny. If I wasn't drunk I'd swear it had some sort of spice...
Cicion looks at him funny
Hmm. Gimme another. I can still remeber my name...

William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
"Strategic warfare" is code for "killing civilians", and it's my calling. Yeah, it's barbaric. War's supposed to be.

Hands Darkk the drink, and keeps an eye on Avatara, who is looking around at nothing in particular and whistling. There you are. Unsheaths his Keutae, pulls out a sharpening stone from beneath the bar, and runs the blade along it, twenty times on each edge, each slide making a sandpapery scraping/sliding/ringing sound.

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

The Eleejeetian primary Armada (see RPG) drops into the system. Nobody looks up<
Karrde: 'Just put it this way. If anyone in this bar ever pisses ME off, the cute little pulse gun on that ship will be the last thing you'll ever see.'

Karrde spies something sitting in the corner<
Karrde: 'Hey, how did you get hold of that thing...'. Passes out in shock, seeing a rapid inasa pulse gun pointed at his ship.

"Sergeant, you can't fire that in here! We're indoors!"
"Only until I pull the trigger, Captain!" -Terry Pratchett

Is it too late for a glass of Voinian Skull?

(if you know what it's made of I'll give you a cookie) :rolleyes:

Dang, I still feel fine. Attempts to get up and crumples to the floor. OK, now I've figured out there's nothing alchohol can do to make me forget these events. Gets up Gimme a Dr. Pepper.

William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
"Strategic warfare" is code for "killing civilians", and it's my calling. Yeah, it's barbaric. War's supposed to be.

Laughs at Karrde. Walks over and wakes him up. It would take two thirds of the entire Eleejeetian Navy to easily defeat the enourmous array of Phylydion naval power orbiting this station. Either way, I'm sure nothing's going to happen. That gun you saw is an antique I bought at an auction on Dominus. Drink?

-Traek Cicion of the Taeskor
"Never tell me the odds!"
-Han Solo
"Then we'll do it real quiet-like."

*A guest in the bar trying to constain their laughter, and with a couple shintak now in it's pocket, recently given to the guest by an un-named member of the bar, walks over, quickly whips out a spray bottle, and sprays pepper-spray all over the drunken Darkk.

Many people in the bar, including Avatara in his corner, laugh at the reaction.*

"I'm a controversial figure. My friends either dislike me or hate me."

***Is confused and thinks it's a flamethrower.
***Blows the left arm off the unnamed patron with a plasma rifle.
***Gets his gun confiscated by Cicion.

William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
"Strategic warfare" is code for "killing civilians", and it's my calling. Yeah, it's barbaric. War's supposed to be.

What do you think we should name the second chapter? I'm thinking "Roots of resistance" or something like that. What do you think?

The Hard-Boiled Egg
Because she cant be beaten!

Sounds good to me. Can I open it? I never got to start any topics in the last RPG, and I've got something to post...

William Darkk, head of the Darkklight Entrepenurial Federation
"Strategic warfare" is code for "killing civilians", and it's my calling. Yeah, it's barbaric. War's supposed to be.

Oops... Sorry Darkk, I just posted it... You can get chapter three. I was thinking this one is the immidiate stuff, like raids and stuff, then the next one gets deep into the resistance on earth, maybe we start dropping agents onto Earth, the whole time we go on about the whole military buildup for invasion,

The Hard-Boiled Egg
Because she cant be beaten!

Suddenly one of Kamikaze's Hawks slams the earth where captain Pharris once stood but now he is splattered all over the place. Darkk pulls some of his intestines out of his drink and wispers uder his breath "That's what happens when you mess with the Cresent station bar" everyone starts making jokes about Pharris' mum!

Sacrafice escorts for the
better good!

Karrde wakes up
"....wha'...DRINK? OF COURSE!"
Drinks 2 Saalian Brandies, and smashes the bottles over Kamikazes head. Everyone in the Bar starts fighting...

We don't go to hell,
memories of us do.
And if you go to hell,
I'll still remember you.